How To Combat Endocrine Disruption Caused By Dental Fillings?

Posted By R (Orange, Ca) on 09/11/2018

I've had anxiety since I was a teen and I'm currently in my late 20s. 24 hours a day, non-stop. I've thought of every possible reason and the most likely one is my composite dental fillings. I've read studies that show a link to anxiety and other problems in children who have bis-GMA fillings (bis-GMA being a derivative of BPA). While I'm happy that I may have finally found the cause of my problem, I'm angry that I've had to live with this for so long and I don't know how to treat it. I can't take my fillings out. Is there anything I can do to fight the negative affects of my fillings? Any advice is appreciated.
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Replied by Janet (In) on 09/11/2018


If you cannot remove your fillings, there must be another approach.

So to break down anxiety, there are several sources. What I have found, our mouths are a window to our health.

Our Grandmas knew, the first thing when kids looked or felt bad, you were told to stick out your tongue. I do not think we understand the language. We and our drs see symptoms of an illness, not realizing our bodies were telling us there is a problem. Maybe why your teeth needed fillings in the past.

Anxiety is a great example. Tooth decay the second. Low minerals. Low magnesium. It is very difficult to acquire enough good minerals from our depleted soil we grow crops in. So you look back and you can see the puzzle begin to take shape. Low minerals.

The things I read seem to always harken back to, low vitamin D and minerals. The last 35 years have seen a huge reduction in vitamin D due to lifestyles and sunblock.

I never knew I had anxiety, I always had it, I knew no different. Then came the tooth deterioration. I went and had the teeth fixed, I did not know that it was my body telling me there was a bigger problem brewing.

I suggest you start with the basics, holy basil, 1000 mg 3x a day. This will take the burden off your adrenals. It does not make you sleepy. Anxiety is controlled.

Watch Dr. Michael Holicks videos on youtube regarding vitamin D. Consider taking D. It is such a great beginning. Giving yourself a real solid foundation to begin to rebuild. He has charts online for dosing and testing. A book or 2 also.

Along with D, even before D, magnesium. 250mg 2x a day. Citrate for constipated types, malate for runny stool types.

Epsom baths to absorb even more magnesium through your skin. 2 cups of Epsom, 1 cup of borax, 1 capful of fishtank dechlorinator, to protect your lungs from chlorine steam. 20 minutes.

  • Eliminations
  • Table salt, use sea salt only
  • Vegetable oils, use coconut oil or butter only
  • Msg
  • GMOs all grains if possible
  • Fluoride
  • Aspartame
  • Msg
  • Aluminum
  • Plastics
  • Coated cooking pans

This will reduce the burden of toxicity in your body

Mouth help, again reducing the toxic load.

Mouthwash, 1 bottle of Milk of Magnesia, with only 2 ingredients magnesium and water. Pour in an empty glass juice bottle. Add spring water using your empty m.o.m. bottle, add 2 or 3 drops peppermint oil, 1 tsp xylitol, 1/2 tsp of sea salt. Use this as your mouth rinse/ wash.

Brush once with toothpaste, I use Kiss My Face whitening. Rinse with solution. Brush with a dab of coconut oil. Rinse a few more times with solution. Leave last rinse after spit. Do not rinse away.

Read Ted's alkalizing remedies right here on Earth Clinic. Type Ted Bangkok, Alkalizing, or look it up under his section of Earth Clinic.

This should keep your mouth detoxing anything you have going on. I still have my silver fillings. It has changed everything for the better until I make the decision to have them removed.


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Replied by R (Orange, Ca) on 09/12/2018

Thanks so much for your suggestions. I will try them out. If it makes you feel any better, silver fillings are much less harmful for you, as strange as that may seem. Thanks!
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