Dry Mouth and Lip Issue After Dental Visit

Posted By Island (Gc) on 01/16/2021

I have been having dry mouth and dry lips from past 4 weeks. I also feel like vomiting when I brush my teeth (I have never had this before) and it kind of puts some pressure on my stomach muscles. I am making enough saliva, but it still feels dry. Sometimes, around the lips is itching too. I have a compromised immune system from past 2 years (due to bad reaction to a medication) and easily catch anything.

I had gone for a dental check up about 5 weeks ago. All was fine, but they also asked me to change to sensodyn toothpaste, which I did. Just 3 days ago I have changed the toothpaste back to fluoride free one that I used before. I am wondering if it is something that I caught during the dental visit (May be some instrument wasn’t sanitized enough for my immune system to handle).

The dry mouth is also causing me dry eyes and in turn a bit of CSR of the eye (leaking of fluid behind the retina) which I had a couple times in the last 2 years. From yesterday I started the salt water gargling and rinsing, applying coconut oil on and inside my lips (immediately feel slightly more scratching after that, may be its fighting the germs) and did coconut oil pulling this morning and am feeling nauseous and feel something in the stomach.

I also did rinsing the mouth with garlic infused water. Have been doing some other home remedies for last 4-5 days. Could it be that whatever germs got into my mouth is getting killed slowly with the home remedies and causing the reaction? The doctor had checked my tongue couple days ago and said it was fine.

Any suggestions what it could be and what home remedies I can try ( I do react to some foods too and all supplements since I feel sick) couple years ago.


Replied by Charity (faithville, Us) on 01/17/2021

Something to think about : what if going to the dentist during a pandemic was extremely stressful and your body went into fight or flight mode and produced a bunch of cortisol and drained your water and nutrients and fears increased and it continued and then your thoughts of what if made it get worse and worse and you started to get water mineral imbalances from that and then you started to produce histamine as a warning signal so you could treat it. Then the histamine caused a lot of immune problems. probably start with extra water and a good mineral supplement. Some apple cider vinegar in water, drink through a straw. Some pineapple or papaya tablets for aid in the gut.

I know if I had to see the dentist right now i would be producing extra cortisol and having fearful thoughts. Hope this helps. Blessings, Charity

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Replied by island girl (gc, ci) on 03/04/2021

Hi Charity, that’s interesting to know about histamine. Can you explain a bit about this, as I started having histamine reactions since August 2018 after taking Fluconazole. I have done the mast cell test, which is negative, by the grace of God, but I continue to have histamine issues.

Replied by Charity (faithville, Us) on 03/08/2021

Your body's many cries for water by Dr. Batmanghelidj will tell you everything in fine detail. A real eye opener. I read at the library and then bought a bunch of his books. Learned a lot of keys and no more histamine or allergies anymore. Blessings, charity

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