Questions About Do It Yourself Deodorant for Body Odor

Posted By Mean (Philippines) on 01/09/2016


The earth clinic website is so good. I'm suffering from body odor last year and still now don't know what to do. I try many remedy like hydrogen peroxide, aluminum or tawas and I'm using soap safeguard to kill the bacteria on my pits.

When I try tawas on my underarm its stop the sweat but not the odor. When I'm on a school and feel smells bad. I am so sad and lonely. I didn't talk to my classmates because I feel like they gonna talks behind me about my odor. Last month, my underarm is so dark because of the baking soda, because I apply 2tbsp-3tbsp of baking soda on my pits, making sure that the odor will not smell to me when I'm on a school. And I feel my underarm has a lump. So when iii on home I see my underarm have a boils on it. I think it irritate because of too much baking soda. Last week, I'm using belo deodorant to lighten up my underarm. And it's to effective. When I'm on school I applying belo with a little bit dust of baking soda but when I sweat its so smell like a strength odor. And I am so sad because of the result. Today, I bath with warm water, and I'm using safe guard and white vinegar. I'm using hand scrub.

I have a question, did potpourri oil and essential oil the same? Because I want to make diy deodorant. Recipe are baking soda, cornstarch, coconut oil and essential oil. And in my country, Philippines its so hard to find essential oil. When I make the diy deodorant I didn't used essential oil. And I don't want the smell of it. But it's not smell like bad at all. Please help me to fight body odor. Potpourri oil and essential oil the same?

Thankyou guys. 😊


Replied by Bj (Michigan) on 01/09/2016

Mean, Try mixing 1/2 cup borax with 2 liters of water. Wash with this, daily or several times per day. For a natural deodorant use 1/4 cup organic coconut oil with 2-3 drops of a good quality oregano oil, mix thoroughly, use as you would any deodorant. If you are already having a reaction to the baking soda, please stop. It will only get more painful, so do not mix it into the coconut oil mix.

Like you I tried many other natural deodorants that did not work for me, this one did. Mag-oil is said to be a great deodorant for some people. 1/2 cup magnesium chloride and 1/2 cup water; mix and put in a small spray bottle. This one did not work for me, but may be something for you to try. Everyone is different so different things work for different people.


Replied by Iowama (Iowa, Usa) on 01/10/2016

Dear Mean,

My heart goes out to you and I agree with Bj that you should stop using the baking soda right now. Take heart; you are smart and you will solve this.

I do want to ask you if you are absolutely sure the odor comes from your arm pits, or is it possible that you are just assuming this? There are other sources of odor that develop so slowly you can not smell it yourself. Make sure when you bathe that you are washing every single inch of your body with regular bath soap and a cloth. Do not go to bed with wet hair. Are your shoes and all parts of your clothing clean?

Many people on EC (myself included) like to use safer ingredients in a deodorant they can make themselves, but perhaps that should not trouble you right now. It is possible that the underarm deodorant you buy there in the Phillopines works just fine when you sweat. I know that the Lord will unlock this answer for you and that you will soon have nothing but your home work to worry about. I mean no disrespect to Bj with this answer; it is just something I was thinking of when I read your post.


Replied by Karin (New York City) on 01/10/2016

Dear Mean,

I am very sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue. My recommendation is to stop drinking caffeine, like coffee and tea and any soda containing caffeine. People don't realize that caffeinated drinks can can cause terrible body odor in some people. I also suggest drinking distilled water for a week or two and seeing if that helps. This is great for detoxing.

Please let us know how you are doing.


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