Depressed bloated and aching joints from hashimotos thyroiditis

Posted By Cadolphin (Florida) on 05/31/2015


These last two years have been discouraging for me. I had a complete hysterectomy in Nov 2013; placed on bio-identical hormones; placed on Armour thyroid medication; gained 70lbs and continue to gain; and now recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease. I am an athelete, or I should say was because now I have no energy to train as I once did. My body is someone I don't even recognize any longer. I know how to train, eat and now am completely gluten-free. Thyroid med has been changed so many times and now I am on NatureThroid. Hormones have changed so many times. I am bloated, ache in my joints, depressed and have researched and tried everything I know to get better. Please, please tell me there is a way to cure this; a way to lose this weight; a way to have a positive productive life? Thank you.

EC: Many interesting and informative posts on Earth Clinic's Hashimoto's Thyroiditis page here.


Replied by C. (Cincinnati) on 05/31/2015

Thyroid medication doesn't solve the underlying problem which is often Iodine deficiency along with zinc (and copper) and selenium. Vitamin A and D deficiency also. Google iodine deficiency and thyroid. Drs will not help with this.

Replied by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 06/01/2015

Hello Cadolphin,

Re your thyroid condition...

Assuming the symptoms were thyroid related look for the underlying cause. Lot of suspicion on line that Hashimoto's is virally caused. Google "Hashimoto virus caused" and you'll find a PubMed article that speculates this.

I once had an enlarged thyroid and the MD wanted to do a biopsy. Instead I applied colloidal silver with DMSO topically to the thyroid. In a few days the enlargement had diminished and in a week was gone. Back to normal in two weeks as I recall. I put on this application maybe four times. I think the DMSO carried the CS to the thyroid and killed the infection. Also the DMSO is anti inflammatory.


Replied by Hilary (Oregon) on 06/05/2015

On a recent British report about vaccine injuries, turns out the majority of the girls and young women were athletes. Something about extreme training predisposing for autoimmune reactions. I agree that a thyroid protocol can help, but I would look at it from the larger point of view. I saw a youtube vid about these injured British girls who no doctors could help. Some went to a specialist who did a detox protocol on the girls and there was improvement.

Replied by Erin (Texas ) on 01/07/2017

What ratio of colloidal silver to DMSO did you use?

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