Daughter with fluid in the ears after swine flu

Posted By Jerilyn (Aliquippa, Pennsylvania) on 03/16/2010

My daughter who is 31 years old got the swine flu (none of us went to the doctor except her but we know that it was the swine flu we had). She got it the worst. She cannot get rid of the build up of fluid in her ears (she's been to the doctors for it and he gave her penicillin and a nasal spray which she wouldn't use because nasal spray aren't good for you to use, per a cousin of mine who is a doctor). After a month of the fluid in her ears, she still can't get rid of it. If she goes to another doctor I know they aren't going to be able to tell her what to take to get rid of it. What would you suggest? She has tried echinacea, warmed onions on the ears, Vitamin C (large doses), penicillin and the natural ocean mist nasal spray to no avail. Please, if you can tell us what to get naturally to get rid of the fluid in her ears, we would appreciate it. We are use to using natural treatments, so whatever we have to get to get rid of this, she will do.

Thank you.

Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 03/18/2010

Hi Jerilyn...It has long been believed that the only way we normally catch colds and flu is from microbe entry via the eyes, nose and mouth. However, as far back as 1928, a Dr Simmons sensibly hypothesised that colds and flu could also be caught via entry through the ear.

Once the virus or bacteria enters the ear, it doesn't have to worry about battling the internal immune system, but can breed freely relatively unhindered. Eventually, these viruses make their way to the throat area via the Eustachian tube -- an ear canal that connects the ear to the throat region. Peculiar indeed that sometimes the first signs of cold and flu are a sore or hoarse throat. And since it also well know that viruses can hide in the spine, brain and other areas -- then why not the ear as well?

Here is the relevant article about Dr Simmons:


The remedy -- drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide in the ears -- would get rid of both the wax, as well as kill off any viruses and bacteria (including cold and flu viruses) as described here:


As a habit, I periodically use 1.5% hydrogen peroxide (my own preference, 3% HP diluted again once by an equal volume of water) to flush out the nasties from my own ears. You don't need to use food grade HP for this, since you're using this on the outside of your body. So ordinary 3% pharmaceutical grade Hydrogen Peroxide will do fine.

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