Cures desparately needed for mucus in mouth condition

Posted By Sophia (Brampton, Ontario, Canada) on 06/10/2010

Dear Ted or Earthclinic,

Thank you for this wonderful web-site. I have searched the entire site and did not find anything about my condition, and so I am writing to you. So here goes: for the last 6 and a half years I have been suffering with sticky, clammy mucus-saliva in my mouth and tongue. I noticed this right affter experincing a devastating circumstances in my life. It is impossible to speak and it makes me really embarrasssed to speak to anyone. And so I isolated myself from everyone. I have seen 10 doctors and specialists including two naturopaths. They dont know what is causing this. Ive tried everthing, to no avail. One doctor suggested antidepressants, because one of the side effects is dry mouth! I refused. I so desperately want my life back. I am tired of living with slimey mucus 24/7, it is unbearable.I pray that you will be able to help me. I will be the happiest person in the whole wide world. Anxiously awaiting your remedy. Thank you so much amd may God bless you richely.



Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 06/11/2010

Hi Sophia,

The fact that this occurred following some devastating circumstances is no coincidence as this can have an extreme affect on our bodies. Mucus is often addressed in Chinese medicine and I would get treatments in acupuncture and with Chinese herbs for it. It definitely helped. I also did the H2O2 treatments that are spoken of here on EC and that was a huge improvement as well. But, I have to say that when I did a diet overhaul back in Oct '09 everything changed! I have no mucus symptoms, don't have to go for Chinese medicine treatments, don't use H2O2 anymore and physical pain is gone. Check your diet. You may even have a candida condition which if that's the case, you need to clean that up first. The key is to alkalinize your body through your diet. Eat lots of veggies, eliminate gluten products and also dairy. The last two are quite mucus producing. That alone will cause big changes in your body in a positive way.

I always ate pasta and loved cheese and used milk and creams when cooking. There are lots of products available that you can substitute now that there is such an awareness of how negative gluten and dairy can affect people. I also considered myself a healthy eater in terms of staying organic, not using processed food, etc. I too, was desperate to see my pain eliminated and it was through EC that I learned about the mini beet protocol which began my dramatic new journey to see the changes I had been searching for. Within two days I saw everything change so, if you are serious about wanting to see your life back I would urge you to take these steps.

It has now been 8 1/2 months since all of these changes and I have no desire to go back because the benefits have been too numerous to not see the correlation. I will tell you this though, I sleep really well now, all bloating is gone, my stomach completely flat, no more over-abundance of mucus (the body does need some), I released about 10 lbs. (was not overweight though), my skin is very, very soft, wrinkles disappeared, puffiness under my eyes gone, head itching completely gone( I used to have to wash my hair daily because by the end of the day it was so bad), I haven't had one "mysterious" rash which was an ongoing issue over the last 15 years... I could go on and on but I think you get the idea.

Wishing you the best on your journey,


Replied by Sophia (Brampton, On, Canada) on 06/15/2010

Hi Lisa!

Thank you so much, you are an Angel!! I can't tell you how elated I am right now, I felt it in my bones that this is it; mbp. I did thought of candida, and so I started taking coconut oil for a while, with no relief. I have also eliminated dairy from my diet, and those too, are not the culprit (lol) I am so excited to get started I am beside myself right now! It's a new day. Oh people take nothing for granted, nothing, and especially wonderful people such as Lisa! and all those who take the time to share their remedies, trials, errors and words of encouragements,and also to the brillant staff that put this web-site and idea together!! I will inform you all of my progress!! Thanks, Lisa I truly love you!!


Replied by Vera (Melbourne, Fl) on 01/26/2012

Try the Mini Beet Protocol. After 3 weeks of doing that (missing a few days every now and then) I had to blow my nose every morning for a few days and lots of mucus from who knows where just kept coming out (sometimes it would a whole box of tissues) until after a short while I was breathing clearly through my nose for the first time in years, as well as not having to clear my throat at all! I do the second protocol that uses fennel instead of asparagus (much easier and tastier), but I still eat the apple anyway.

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