Chronic mucus between throat and nasal cavity

Posted By Isabella (Canada) on 07/09/2014

I have had this chronic mucus feeling between throat & nasal cavity for over a year. I think its called the NASOPHARYNX where this is located. The ENT cannot find anything. He is useless! I have daily feeling of mucus that I cannot spit out of my mouth or nose. It just sits there and causes chronic ear pain & general discomfort. I have tried all the rinses, medications, aleergy meds, serrapeptase, oil of oregano, etc....does anybody else suffer from this? Have you been cured? Once in a while I can stick my toothbrush back of throat & some sticky clear mucus comes out but starts up again. I would appreciate any comments you have on this. Thank you!

Replied by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 07/09/2014

Isabella from Canada--- the best you can do for yourself is oil pulling with sesame oil before eating in the morning for twenty minutes. When the oil changes to a white colour you can finish, gargle with warm water and brush your teeth, not using tooth paste, but either Dr. Bronner's kastile soap liquid or sea salt or BS.

I have done it for three years and it has become a habit. No more evil breath and better mouth health. Post nasal drip is very destructive for health and can be treated with OP.

Namaste, Om


Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 07/10/2014

Isabella, we treat any mucous problem with plenty of rose hip tea and lemon, mainly the lemon.

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 07/10/2014

Dear Isabella,

It could be caused by a low grade infection that has not resolved.

I would try salt water first. 1/8 teaspoon of salt in 3 ounces of water. You can gargle this and also snort it up into each nostril. (Ideally it will go high enough that you feel it dribbling down the throat, which is where it needs to reach anyway! ) Doing this a few times a day will help to kill any lingering infection. It may also cause you to need to blow your nose, which is great. Do that gently and go ahead and repeat the process. I would do this at least three times a day.

I would also put hydrogen peroxide in the ears twice a day.

You could use colloidal silver to snort up into the sinuses, gargle with and put in the ears if you have it, instead of the salt water/peroxide suggestions.

I would also avoid dairy products for a week or two as dairy tends to be mucous forming.

Some extra vitamin C might help, too. If you are dealing with an allergic cause instead of viral, taking nettles in some form daily may help a lot. (4 nettle leaf capsules three times a day or 3 cups of nettle leaf tea daily.)

These suggestions would be compatible with Mmsg and Om's excellent suggestions!

~Mama to Many~


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