Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Disability

Posted By Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 10/18/2013

Question: What are the political implications of having Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and getting disability?

There is a long political history associated with this disease that most sufferers know nothing about.

The first thing to note is the name of the disease. The name was created by a government committee as a psyops to trivialize the devastating disease. Everyone can claim they have fatigue, even healthy people. Other than Anthony Komaroff who was first CFIDS doctor, there were no other members of that panel that had actual patients. The panel fully knew what it was doing. The most devastating aspect of the disease is the neuro cognitve symptoms. It literally cripples ones mind in so many ways.

The second thing to note is that out of the estimated one million sufferers in the US, only a couple thousands got on disability as of 2004. To get on disability, one has to prove a nebulous symptom like fatigue or that one has Epstein Barr Virus. EBV has nothing to do with CFS except that it is a secondary infection that only very tiny numbers have. There are all sorts of objective medical tests they could have used but they didn't. They designed it to be subjective and essentially threw the CFS people under the bus.

Your only exit for disability is under depression which you symptomology do have. It is important not to list out many disability reasons since it only makes harder to get on it. Most people think that the more disability reasons will make approval easier. It doesn't. List just one and go with it. Also you don't need any lawyers to apply until you get to third stage. Most of them are useless. You end up filling out all the forms. Most simply won't help you.

Just a side note: People with Gulf War Illness file for disability under CFS. The are treated as a special case when applying for disability. Many of the symptoms are similar.

The third thing to note is that tens of thousands of people who paid for ERISA disability coverage were thrown under the bus. This is the coverage companies you work for give. What the insurance companies had done was Under ERISA, you do not have the right to sue for damages. What insurance companies do is have their lawyers fight you until you are economically destroyed or forced to settle for a low amount thru financial pressure. Many people end up committing suicide. Lets say you apply and they fight you for 5 years. If you win, you do not get back pay under ERISA. Your collection for disability starts the day you win so they ripped you off 5 years of your disability pay. Private disability plans do allow collection for damage so you can sue them for that back pay. Congress is fully aware of this situation and have chosen to do nothing.

The fourth thing to note is that there has been an international cover. The US, Canada, UK and Australia were the leaders in the cover up. Behind the cover up lies the Pentagon which countries around the globe march in lock step with. The CDC and NIH have aided this cover up. The reason for the cover up is because the origin of the disease is from vaccinations and the depopulation agenda. There has also been a disinformation campaign in the media regarding the disease for many decades.

Just a side note. At least a half million veterans got disabled by the Gulf War Syndrome. Soldiers from 27 of 28 countries were effected. France was the only country that had only very small numbers soldiers effected with GWS. This was due to some French troops being mixed into US and other country troops. What was different about France - they didn't vaccinate their troops especially with the anthrax vaccine. They were probably the control country in the experiment.

The fifth thing to note is that in my survey, I have found virtually all the patient organizations in the US, Canada, Australia and UK are covertly run by the repective intelligence agencies of the country.

The purpose of this is to intercept charity donations marked for research and direct the money into research they know will go no where. They are also used as disinformation vehicles directed at the patient community with false hope.

I used to think that the National CFIDS Foundation
was real because they direct money into more meaningful research but they were just more clever. Their lack of opposition to vaccinations raised a lot of red flags so they can't be trusted to protect people with the disease either. Their failure to warn expectant mothers about the dangers their children face makes them complicit in my view. The evidence against vaccines is overwhelming. The state organizations are just an extension of the national ones.

The sixth thing to note is how the CDC (should be called Center for Disease Coverup) interfaces with patience. They have a three bubble diagram where one bubble has government representatives, the next has doctor representatives and the third has patient organization representatives. Given what I said in previous point, two of those bubbles are controlled by government. The doctor representatives work covertly for the intelligence community.

The most famous CFIDS doctors - probably almost all of them - work as biological monitors and fake researchers. What some do is monitor the infection within the population that covert operations of the military apparatus have carried out covertly against the population. Remember, it was legal for the government to carry out experiments in the population without the populations knowledge for nearly 50 years. I have yet to see any sincere doctor act as a true doctor represntative. Many stay silent about the damage of vaccines.

Other doctors will promote research intended to go nowhere. They will usually get government funding if it is available. It is a way to drain away resources to finding a cure.

As a side note: CFS funding research is not really needed. The biowarfare apparatus would know what the cause is. They would likely know what the cure is also. This should cost virtually nothing except doing away with secrecy surrounding the disease.

The seventh thing to note is that government funding for the disease has alway been used as a way to bludgeon the CFS folk for decades and psychologicalize the disease as mental. The UK has changed the name Myalgic Encephelamyelitis to CFS. This is part of an world wide effort to psychologicalize the disease. Even the stricter diagnosis standard has been weakened to allow people who don't have the disease to be declared to have the disease.

There is already proof that there is brain inflammation 50 years ago. That is why it was named ME in the UK back in the 50s but they promote the nebulous F word - fatigue - to trivialize the disease and discredit the victims.

In regards to ciguatoxin, it attacks the nerve and brain cells by keeping the sodium membrane channels open when they should be shut. This has the result if swelling and inflaming the nerve and brain cells.

The last thing to note is most people with the disease can't confront this because it goes against everything their mind has been programmed
with since they came out of the womb. They have been dumbed down also. To confront the political situation is like telling a child that their parents want to kill them. They just don't want to believe that. The lie is more acceptable to their minds.

Victims through out history have been the support structure for their victimizers. Most are psychologically bonded to their victimizers. Too many sufferers also get swallowed up by disinformation. This is the reason such massive assaults against the population can continue and why it all works and few say anything.

Much of what I say above can be said about many other chronic diseases.

FYI: I have had the disease for 55 years. I am the rare few who got the disease at age 5 or less.


Replied by Prioris (Fl, Usa) on 10/18/2013

Just a minor clarification

the ciguatoxin attacks the nervous system specifically the nerve and brain cells creating swelling and inflammation by keeping the sodium membrane channels open.

I'd like to add another point.

Many ME/CFIDS/CFS Forums and information sources on the internet regarding the disease are covertly controlled by the government. You can get banned or censored if you post outside the box. The first internet discussion group ever was under called alt. Med. Cfs over 20 years ago. That group was covertly run from NIH computer who had a long history of hostility to the CFS people. About 100 people got banned. Nothing has changed as they created new websites. The last fake forum I ran into was called Phoenix Rising.

The government also have agents who masquerade as patients who have the disease who participate in posting and attending conferences.

Most of what you see is fake somewhat like the Matrix. If your perusing for information resources, you need to read between the lines. You need to take note of the past history also and covert websites.

For most people with the disease, this stuff is an alien world.

I have been using the term CFS but that has been considered an epithet by many people due to the F word. ME or CFIDS is more acceptable. I normally write ME/CFIDS/CFS since some people are not aware of this and so their searches may work.

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