Help for Chronic Fatigue and Mycoplasma Infections

Posted By Gail (Kingston, Ny) on 03/22/2017

Hello: I have had CFS (possibly ME) for about 35 years. By this time I have had multiple organ compromises. The major symptoms I have is recurring sore throats (including throat swelling and difficulty swallowing) which I treat with a homeopathic remedy; conjunctivitis (blepharitis); severe exhaustion and weakness; complications include aortic valve replacements; stage 2 kidney failure; previous kidney stone; hypertension; blood sugar spikes and lows, cholecystectomy for chronic infection; Barret syndrome; pancreatitis (ERCP), irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, stroke, aneurysm,

I have been dealing with this; but I am at the end of my rope now. Since there is no standard medicinal treatment, and little understanding by traditional medicine, I am thinking of trying the Borax; however, am not sure where to find it. Also, if it is acidic, it would be difficult for me to take as my digestion/stomach is very difficult and I've had long standing problems with acidity; although I have gone to lengths to alkinalize my body. Can someone help please?


Replied by Gail (Woodstock, Ny) on 03/26/2017

In regards to 33 years ME/CFS including multiple infections, I believe that mycoplasmas are a major chronic and increasing problem; after an OHS to replace for the second time an aortic heart valve, these symptoms have become so debilitating that I can hardly leave my house. I was a nurse and have run the gamit of infectious disease specialists and natural remedies; and, as a last resort, I would appreciate your assistance in knowing the type and dose of Borax to use. I have long standing abdominal problems, chronic acidity and need to know if Borax is acidit; and if you recommend anything else to try. Thank you very much. Gail

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 03/25/2017

Gail: I don't see all these conditions you report a result of only a mycoplasma infection and Borax as the single remedy. You need a comprehensive view and strategy to even begin correcting your illness.

First is alkalization. If oral routes are proving insufficient, you need to begin very warm foot baths and/or whole body baths of 1/4 cup Borax & 1/4 cup Epsom Salts.

Next is a parasite cleanse (see under "ailments" section at top page). "Humaworm" is the best herbal for this but standard products from healthfood stores will suffice plus other herbs like Garlic, Oregano, Oregon Grape, Chaparral, Black Cumin Seed Oil. Take Milled Flax to gently cleanse the colon during this treatment. Eat Figs and Pineapple regularly.

For your throat and Thyroid problem take Iodine, Selenium, Zinc Lozenges, and Coconut Oil.

Purchase a Basic Hulda Clark Zapper to augment the killing of the bad guys.

All this will improve your condition significantly. After a couple months and your doing much better take Solaray's Women's Multiglandular to hasten healing & recovery.

Waiting to hear good news from you.

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