Chinese Herbal Tea Dried Up Mucus Membranes 3 Years Ago - What Can Help?

Posted By Sharon (La, Ca) on 11/26/2015

Hi, I got poisoned by something in Chinese herbal tea I took 3 years ago and immediately all my mucus membranes dried up. I have been tested for all the auto immune disease is and everything comes out negative, including Sjogren's syndrome. Nobody knows how to help me. Do you have any solutions? Thank you.

Replied by Timh (Ky) on 11/27/2015

Sharon: There have been reports of high levels of Arsenic in Chinese herbles, so you could pursue that as a likely cause, but do also consider that one would have to drink the teas for months or yrs to accumulate toxicity, or you could have already had high arsenic levels when you drank the tea which put you into toxicity category.

Another factor is you need to list the ingredients of the product. Is the product promoted for detox? weight loss? As with many folks when they first begin herbal detox or weight loss herbals, there is an initial herxheimer reaction where stored toxins are released into the bloodstream at such numbers that the kidneys & liver cannot remove them quickly so those folks can become ill for days or weeks.

As for the sinuses, rub a little Cod Liver Oil over your entire nose once daily for a few days and take 50mg Zinc Gluconate for a few days to heal those sensitive epithelial tissues.


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