Change in singing voice

Posted By James (Syracuse, New York) on 02/03/2010

Please let me know how to deal with a change in singing voice in which it seems like I can't push out air as easily or hit high falsetto notes like i used to be able to. It's like my windpipe is more narrow and not able to thrust air and notes out as well anymore. Any natural remedies for this or feedback?

Replied by Bunty (Stanford, South Africa) on 10/05/2022

I love to sing, and belong to two choirs, but my voice has become more and more unreliable as I've aged. I have difficulty clearing my throat enough to have a clear, pure voice. I've tried, chlorine dioxide, high doses of Vit C, nebulizing colloidal silver, etc. Are there any remedies or there for this issue?

Any and all suggestions would be most welcome!

Replied by Rob (Kentucky) on 10/05/2022

Some old classics are:

- Gargling with Salt water

- Gargling with Lemon water and Honey

- Use Colloidal Silver throat spray

- Gargle with Apple Cider Vinegar/Honey and water

Repeat several times daily.

Replied by Art (California) on 10/05/2022


You can consider regular use of the potent antioxidant, N Acetyl Cysteine (NAC). Among its attributes is that it is a mucolytic, so it can thin the mucous to help it flow out better. You mentioned that this has worsened with age and one of the bodies own potent antioxidants, glutathione, reduces with age, but NAC helps increase glutathione and that is a good thing because glutathione also helps with phlegm! Here is a link to typical NAC products :

I hope this helps you get your singing voice back in top condition!


Replied by Mama to Many (TN) on 10/05/2022

Dear Bunty,

Here are some things I would try. My children are in choirs, and we have had to tried to maximize their voice capacity, especially when they sing for others, and have used the following remedies as needed.

Vinegar Tea - 6 ounces hot water, 1 Tablespoon apple cider vinegar, 2 teaspoons honey. (Even my five year old grandson loves this for his cough! ) Use before or even during rehearsal if you are able.

Mucinex - This helps to thin mucous. Try taking an hour before rehearsal.

Avoid dairy - Dairy seems to increase mucous production for many.

Black bean soup - any recipe, really. I have read about the usefulness of black bean soup eaten before opera performances.

Nettle leaf - We use nettle leaf capsules for allergies. If allergies are causing the mucous production, this might reduce it. 4 capsules once or twice a day.

If you find a remedy that works, let us know. Help for this isn't commonly requested, but surely others deal with it as well.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by May (Atlanta ) on 10/05/2022

Chop some onions ( about a cup) and add about 1/4 teaspoon baking soda and a tablespoon of honey. Mix well and eat about 1/2 tsp 3 times a day. Store the extra in the fridge for a week.

Replied by Fred, Frances (usa) on 10/06/2022

I just read that Holy Basil turns mucus into a liquid version so you can rid it faster.

Replied by bunty (Stanford, South Africa) on 10/06/2022

Thank you May, I'll definitely be trying that and hoping for the best. I have another friend who would be eternally grateful!

Replied by Bunty (Stanford South Africa) on 10/10/2022

I will try the Holy Basil and report back. Thanks very much!

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