Cant get rid of heartburn and bloating

Posted By David (Longview, Tx) on 10/28/2013

I have been taking PPO's for acid reflux for ten of the past 12 years. I got off of them almost two years ago and changed my diet and took many different supplements under the advice of two different Dr's (Naturalist). I am still fighting the heartburn and bloating. My morning Urine PH goes from 5 to 6. My white blood cells are a little out of whack. My cholesterol went from 225 to 275 while under the two Dr's. (Coconut oil was highly prescribed by one). I can not hardly drink anything while eating or shortly after without heartburn. My diet is mostly whole foods, some sugar and meats. Trying to cut out all sugar but it's hard. Currently taking a Liver detox supplement and a ParaShield Supplement, a 40 Million Probiotic daily and a 5000 iu vit D supplement. Any suggestions for the issues I mentioned?

Replied by Louwrence (Rustenburg. South Africa) on 10/29/2013

Hi Dave, Cut out all starches & sugars which will stop the bloating & do not eat when you are upset, also take the following supplements to help with digestion:-Betaine HCL & digestive enzymes.

Replied by Prioris (Fl) on 10/29/2013

Baking Soda in water should be able knock out the heartburn. Use as much as needed. I had heart burn for decades and it has vurtually disappear4e3d once I started doing that. To me, bloating is essentially gas. long term bloating is an indication that you have brewing bacteria in your stomach that is out of control.

For quick short term relief, you can bend at waste while sitting to push the gas out.

When I was in early stages of developing diverticulitis, I had long term gas problem. I ignored it. I thought it was something everyone got and should not be concerned about.

When I realized I had diverticulitis, I used AMP Aloe Muciliginous Polysaccharide capsules. It is a natural antibiotic. It resolved the problem. You may not necessarily need AMP but something to bring down the culprit bacteria. Maybe Baking Soda will address this also.

I think stuff you're doing now is also good. I think you it is good to come at problem from different angles. The heartburn is the higher priority to address given the burning it causes.


Replied by Kt (Usa) on 10/30/2013

On my large bag of BS, for indigestion, it cautioned to measure exactly: 1/2 teaspoon Baking Soda to 1/2 Cup water.

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