Seeking Help for Candida, Thyroid and Cognitive Issues

Posted By Musicheals (Regina, Saskatchewan) on 06/11/2017

So I've been battling with memory issues for the better part of my teen/adult life. I first noticed my poor concentration and lack of short and long term memory when I was about 16. I learned to live with it at that point and as a teenager, wasn't mature enough and lacked the real life responsibilities that forced me to deal with such a problem. Time went by and gradually my memory failed me more and more but I also started to notice other problems come about in the form or nasty yellow phlegm and constant congestion. This also went on for years and years and I just learned to deal with it as well. Keep in mind I hated vegetables and crazed sugar since I can remember. More years went by and I started to develop yeast infections that never seem to go away. I also became very gassy all the time.

On top of all this I have battled depression and anxiety since I was about 12 years old. At the age of about 26 I knew something had gone seriously wrong on my path and I started doing research that eventually led me to cure zone and later on Earth Clinic. I started researching the hell out of everything related to candida, adrenal fatigue, leaky gut, chelating, enemas, antifungals, biofilms, get the idea. On numerous occasions I've been able to stick to a very strict protocl for no more than 2 months at a time with very little improvement. I did get rid of the mucous problem and gas whenever I stuck to a protocol but zero cognitive improvement. I know this stuff takes time and I know with more time things will get better. Alcohol and sugar have always got the best of me. This last year I have hardly drank at all and recently given up all together along with sugars, carbs, processed foods, the gamut. I've been eating a pretty squeaky clean diet for the last three years aside from the binging. Recently my liver has been causing me quite a lot of pain as well as a concentrated pain in my large intestines. I have been loosing an incredible amount of hair along with developing deep spooky bags under my eyes. I have a lot of trouble concentrating, speaking, forming coherent sentences. My intellect is far above my ability to process my own thoughts, if that makes sense. Its like being shackled in a purgatory and I want my life back. I know adrenals and thyroid issues can lead to severe cognitive impairment. Every time I fall off the wagon with a protocol its so much harder to get back on until I'm severally depressed again, can't sleep a wink and something new hurts, has changed color or is falling out. The cognitive stuff is by far the worst of the battle though.

That may have seemed a little drawn out. Sorry if I repeated myself and lacked sense at any time. I guess I wanted to paint the bigger picture of my upbringing and lifestyle that led me here. I recently read Killing So Sweetly and even started out on the protocol listed in the book a few months ago until I went to a bachelor party and threw caution to the wind. I was doing pretty good with borax and turpentine. I was actually seeing long brown worm like things in my stool. Candida? Something was dying. Anyways, I am back on it now and ready to commit 100%. Supplements are rather expensive and I want to do this right this time. However long it takes. I guess my question is for Bill maybe, I have been back on the protocol you have written in the book taking borax and Iodine as my main antifungals along with all the supplements and alkalizing remedies. With the general information I've posted above is there anything that comes to mind that I should add or swap?

Anything new that your pushing these days? I just want to make sure I am putting my money in all the right supplements and not leaving a stone unturned. I noticed there was a few changes in the protocol you listed from the lady in South Africa I believe. I know that had to do with restrictions and availability but obviously it was specific for her needs as well. Anyways I'm at my wits end but ready to advance. A little support would be awesome. Wow, my first post.


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Replied by Charity (Faithville, Usa) on 06/12/2017

I have walked a few miles in your shoes. I took a lot of paths to tackle the problems and memory kept me bound up. I got in some prayer lines over the years, hoping . One lady said I might have D.I.D. from childhood trauma and I did not have any voices talking in my head, that were abnormal, so I just started to study the topic to rule it in or out. I read over 100 hours in net burst net site and learned a lot and as I read I found a page on how to find out if I had any splits in my heart and relocate them. It has been miraculous . When they rejoin my broken heart, trauma buttons stop being pushed, peace comes, and memory is healing. Not saying you have what I do but when searching for answers I always rule it in before I rule it out and give things 6 months to a year to make sure I have done my research well. I also take many supplements and exercise daily. Blessing, Charity

p.s. a broken heart part( D.I.D.) can sabotage any diet or addiction restriction and keep you from remembering .

Don't try to adjust your dial, it's truly the twilight zone trying to get the heart fixed.

magtein is the only magnesium that crosses the blood brain barrier and coconut oil drives glucose into the brain in people with a type of brain diabetes also ~ soy lecithin granule use daily.

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Replied by Anna (Huntsville, Al) on 06/19/2017

I'm in the same boat with you, minus the depression. I've had candidiasis for over 4 decades (although I didn't know what it was until a little over 2 decades ago). I recently read Killing So Sweetly and am doing the entire protocol. I can't tell if it is working or not but I figure it took my body a long time to get this sick so it's going to take it a long time to heal. The candida took over my body when at three and a half, I got an abscess in my lung. The infection caused my lung to collapse and I was hospitalized for 2 weeks. I was told that I had an allergic reaction to the antibiotic (Keflex). I recovered but my health has been in a downward spiral ever since.

I've struggled with sinus and ear infections, blood sugar problems (reactive hypoglycemia, glucose intolerance, prediabetes), hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, cancer (early twenties), and recently I've tested positive for an autoimmune disease and my joints (especially in my feet and backbone) hurt! I've had other hormone inbalances, ovarian cysts, a breast cyst, fibrocystic breasts, infertility, a cyst on my liver, intestinal polyps, and whatever else I'm forgetting to mention. I tried to fight the candida before but just gave up because I felt like I was fighting a losing battle. After getting the flu twice this past winter, I decided I MUST do something. I came across this website and bought Bill's book. I hope and pray it works because I would love, for the first time, to live a healthy life. I hope it works out for you as well.

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