Anti-Candida Protocols Tough With Hypogylcemia and Adrenal Fatigue

Posted By Nature15 (Ontario, Canada) on 04/24/2017

Hey all, I've been reading posts on this site for years now and think it's incredible!

This is one of my first posts on here in quite some time. It's in regards to Candida. I'm curious if anyone else is struggling with the same problem I am. That being chronic candida..

I've noticed that If I eat any sugar in any form, even fruit.. I suffer bloating, white coated tongue, fatigue, acid reflux etc..

The problem is however even If I embark upon candida killing protocols, anti fungals, good probiotics to re-establish good gut flora etc.. if I am eating no sugar than I suffer from extreme adrenal fatigue and lose so much weight, am freezing cold all the time, have zero energy, mood plummets and depression kick in .. etc..

Do any of you guys battle this? It feels like a lose /lose situation and is very frustrating. Can anyone who's experienced this post any remedy, protocol, lifestyle change etc.. that has rectified this problem and brought balance back to the system?

It feels like you cannot live eating salads, and chicken all your life.. Nobody can. We don't get all the nutrients or the glucose or bodies and brains so badly need to function and do things like yardwork and that..

I can imagine some of you guys will say I need to break down the systemic candida entirely before I will ever regain good health again and be able to eat a balanced diet again without having one banana trigger massive candida overload in my body. But it literally just feels like no matter how much work is done, some foods ( ironically enough the same foods we need for energy), trigger fungal overload no matter what.

I've fasted before on just water, green juice and broths while doing anti fungals and probiotics and while I can honestly say my gut felt 10 times better It's just not possible to live like that if you have adrenal fatigue issues/ hypoglecemia like I do.. But it feels like I have to from time to time..

Catch 22 moment. Would love to hear your thought. Thanks all!


Replied by Kt (Usa) on 04/25/2017

Dear Nature15,

If you get a cheaper sugar it may contain a filler that is affecting you. The sugar brand Domino was proven to be the safest at the time of testing.

You could try ACV w/the mother in glass bottles. I mix about 2 T in 8-12 oz. water in a Mason jar and drink several mouthfuls after eating, especially any grain products...including 2% milk and cheese. The critters we eat or get milk and eggs from are being fed GMO grasses and grains. I believe those undigested products are passed on to us and it makes assimilation difficult.

I am a small person and had to reduce portions of all fruits and vegetables so my sugar stays within a safe range and I keep my weight down. The medical profession is pushing more whole grains fruits & vegetables and I personally feel this is why we have seen such a rise in obesity & diabetes.

Infiltration of GMO's cannot be avoided just due to wind and bird droppings and it has been going on for decades. Food has been engineered to last longer so we are all going to be affected. Since "Food, Inc." and "Milk In The Land: Ballad Of An American Drink" were produced, things are still changing and hard to escape.

I have been taking 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper with 1/4 tsp. ginger and/or turmeric in the morning that seems to give me a boost. You may want to start with 1/4 tsp. of cayenne until you build up a tolerance to the heat!!

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