Can I Use Regular Vinegar for Gall Bladder Attack?

Posted By Sally (Thirsk, England ) on 02/10/2016

Hello have been reading your articles that people have wrote in with ... Apple cider vinegar and Apple juice . Have had a gallbladder attack - still going. Husband went to Tesco and came back with Apple juice but with cider vinegar not actual apple cider vinegar can I still use this? Am desperate for some relief of this pain. Thanks, Sally

Replied by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/10/2016

Dear Sally,

In a pinch, I would try it for sure.

Several people have reported a cure with white vinegar in orange juice. (But since you have apple juice, it makes sense to try that.)

Vinegar for Gall Bladder Attack

I hope you feel better soon!

~Mama to Many~

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