Came down with c.diff

Posted By Keith (Simsbury, Ct) on 09/26/2009

I'm 48 and came down with a C.Diff infection after surgery to repair my ulnar nerve. The site became infected and I was given Keflex. 3 days after my last dose I became very ill, but I've had IBS and GERD most of my life so I ignored it. That is until the pain got so bad that I couldn't move. I finally had enough and had my wife drive me to the emergancy room. They placed me on Moraphind(SP) and Vanco and by about a week later I was doing pretty good. Then the Vanco ran out and I ended up back in the emergancy room. I'm a weight lifter, by hobby, and was at 230 pounds. Now 4 months later I'm at 185 and still can't eat much of anything. Nor can I lift anymore. And once again the Vanco course has ended and now 3 days later I'm starting to get the symptoms back. I can't go through this again, I almost lost my wife and my job because I couldn't stay awake. I have always been athletic but now I'm lucky if I can get through the day without falling asleep. The Dr even put me on Amphetamines (sp) to help me get through the day. Anyway, now I just sound like I'm feeling sorry for myself but I'm at a point where I don't know what to do. I really hate sounding like a whinny little baby but the pain is so bad that the thought of eating makes me naushous(sp) And the constant trips to the bathroom is getting old. On a good note, I've caught up on a lot of my reading while in there. KDK

Replied by Deeree (Southeast Massachusetts) on 10/12/2009

To Keith from CT: I am 52, and had relapsing C-Diff last year from Thanksgiving til April 2009. It started with a respiratory infection, followed by antibiotics, and a trip to the emergency room, where I picked up the nasty bug. I was in the hospital three times for relapses. The final time, I was put on a pulse dose of Vancomycin for 6 weeks. But I also took matters into my own hands. I purchased Probiotics on-line. I read as much as I could about how it travels and incubates, and I started disinfecting my home. The only thing that kills this bacteria is BLEACH!! The dilution rate used is 10 parts water to 1 part bleach. I wiped down every surface in my house, especially door handles, knobs, toilet and toilet handles, phones, computer and mouse, and more. I read the spores can live up to 6 months to 2 years. Don't know which is true, but even the lower 6 months is long time. I also carried a small spray bottle of the diluted bleach solution when I had to go back to the hospital. If I could pick it up in the ER, I wasn't taking any chances. If you do purchase probiotics, make sure they are stable. I paid $40.00 a bottle, but the good ones all run that much. Some, like LGG can run up to 200.00 for a month supply. But they DO WORK. I try to take 1 a day now. Good Luck, I hope you get better.

Replied by Denver, Co (Denver, Colorado, United States) on 11/15/2011

Similar to many of you I was prescribed an antibiotic for an unrelated infection in August, 2011 and by mid-September, 2011 I had to go to the emergency room because of the c. Diff symptoms. They diagnosed me with C. Diff and gave me a 10 day prescription of Metronidazol (Flagyl) and told me I should be okay after that. At the hospital they didn't treat it as a serious condition and just told me to take the meds for the time period suggested and stay away from spicy and acidic foods. I followed the instructions as given to me by the hospital but little did I know that after the 10 days on the medication the c. Diff came back and I had three reoccurrences from the end of September to the end of October 2011.

During the last reoccurrence I came accross this website and I believe the remedies provided here were more advantageous than the medicine I was taking. What I did was take the 10 day Flagyl (500 mg) three times a day and also purchased probiotics at a local store-the ones I bought are Culturelle-with Lactobacillus GG and I started taking three of these a day as well. I started pulsing down the amount I was taking, until on the last couple days I just took one flagyl and two probiotics. I also stayed away from any sugar, dairy, wheat, and acidic products during those last 10 days and drank only water (and lots of it). I have been 2 weeks clear of the c. Diff and feel great. I am now eating as I was before and hope this time it doesn't come back (in the past after 1-2 days of being off of the flagyl I would feel the symptoms again... So this is a great sign! ). I continue to take a probiotic a day and probably will continues to do so for a few more weeks.


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