Calcium deposits behind the eye

Posted By Kathryn (Alpharetta, Ga, Usa) on 07/06/2011

Calcium Deposits behind the EYE: Can anyone suggest ANYTHING that might work for this terribly uncomfortable thing? I have dealt with this for over 2 yrs.

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/07/2011

Apple cider vinegar gets rid of calcium deposits in the body, I am sure it would help for the area behind your eye. What does everyone else think? Just drinking it twice a day should help.

Replied by Sheila (Charlottetown, Pe Canada) on 01/11/2012

I have had a calcium buildup on my cornea for many years. I've had surgery on three occasions to remove it but it keeps coming back. This is very annoying. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can remove this deposit with resorting to surgery once again?

Replied by Sharon (Eugene, Oregon) on 01/10/2013

I would take a guess that coconut juice, straight from the shell, could safely help with calcium deposits--it is said to dissolve cataracts.... Raw milk and other raw dairy products have worked for me to remedy calcium problems, with the enzymes still in the milk.... Have also used an enzyme therapy and a parathyroid formula... Best wishes!

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