Calcium deposit in leg remedies needed

Posted By Lynne (Lancaster, Pa., USA) on 06/08/2009

I have a good sized calcium deposit on my leg just under the knee in the front of the leg. Whenever I have to get down on that knee now it feels like there are splinters going into my leg. It has gotten very painful. Is there any natural way to get rid of the calcium deposit or is there some kind of ointment or such I can use to get rid of it. I would appreciate any help with this. I really don't want to go into surgery and have the calcium scraped.

Replied by Renee (Auckland, New Zealand) on 04/26/2010

I had calcium deposits, firstly do not take any calcium of any kind or shell fish. Take MSM or zeolite powder or liquid 3 times a day, and Vitamin C 3 times a day, or chanca peidra the "stone breaker" will do it.

Replied by Hope (Buffalo, Ny) on 06/20/2011

Take magnesium 500 mg. 2x a day it will break up the calcium.

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