Calcium Deposit Dissolver

Posted By Michael (New Zealand) on 10/15/2021

Is someone please able to enlighten me concerning the term "Calcic"?

When I first read about it, I assumed it was a "Deposit Dissolver" involved in ameliorating (or possibly reversing) the detrimental effects pertaining to the deposition of excess calcium in the muscles and thus, a lessening of the gradual hardening of the muscles over an extended period of time.

BUT now I find that it seems to be used as a term for calcium itself or something containing calcium.

So what would a "Calcic Deposit Dissolver" look like I wonder?

Well, I think maybe it was Ted who advocated such things as celery seed tea, celery juice, as well as celery itself. Also water and lemon juice, honey + a tablespoon of ACV + a pinch of dried Celtic sea salt and carrot juice. I hope I am not misquoting him here. My rough notes lack attribution sadly.

Could someone knowledgeable shed some additional light on what would constitute an effective treatment for dissolving such unwanted calcium deposits in the muscles?

Sometimes such deposits in a particular muscle can show up on a good quality X ray or similar image.

This is possibly the end result of calcium in the blood stream lodging in soft tissues instead of where it is supposed to lodge I.e. the bones!

What can be done?


Michael from Down Under

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Replied by Art (California) on 10/15/2021

Hi Michael,

Others that are noted for helping to reunite calcium with the skeletal structure are Chanca Piedra, vitamin K-2, magnesium in many forms including the highly bioavailable magnesium glycinate, boron/borax, melatonin, potassium and foods such as bananas and avocado to name some common ones.


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Replied by Michael (New Zealand) on 10/16/2021

Thanks Art for the information.

I feel sure there must be some way of reversing the effects of calcification of the muscles, even if it tales a long time to get results.

I rather suspect that the muscle involved could have been injured some time ago.

Cheers and all the best to you.


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