Questions about Side Effects of Antibiotics and C Diff

Posted By Emily (In) on 08/17/2016

My husband had a bout of horrible diarrhea after taking Clindamycin for dental work. It cleared up after a week and a couple doses of Immodium.

His feet and legs have been swelling now (two and a half weeks after end of diarrhea) so he went to doctor. Told her about the diarrhea episode and they tested for c. diff. Test was positive, and they prescribed metronidazole. After internet research, and reading horror stories of c. diff recurrence, we are afraid to try the treatment.

My question: After his body apparently fought off the infection, is it really necessary to take metronidazole? We are more concerned about the swelling, and possibility of clindamycin-induced kidney problems.

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Replied by Janet (In) on 08/19/2016


My Mom got c diff from her hospital stay. We solved it with Ted's remedy here. She was complicated because they gave her cipro and other things that made it very hard to sort out.

The first thing we should have done was start her on vitamin d3 10,000 iu. This built up her overall immunity and reduced her horrible reaction to cipro.

The runs can be corrected with 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar, add 1/2 tsp of baking soda let fizz add 1/2 a glass of water and drink. This works for runs and constipation. It normalizes the gut.

Here are Ted's pages re c diff.


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Replied by Emily (In) on 08/21/2016

Thanks, Janet.

He went ahead and started the Metronizadole, out of fear about the strange swelling, which the doctor could not explain, but she insisted that he take the medicine. I have since read that c. diff should not be treated unless there is active diarrhea going on. ( His diarrhea had stopped over two weeks previous to visiting the doctor. Aaagh-how do you know what to believe?) Now, after three full days of taking the antibiotic, he started having diarrhea again. I got him some Culturelle and made barley water, which is helping so far. I'll keep your vinegar/baking soda suggestion as another thing to try, until I can find out whether or not he has to keep taking these darn pills.

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