What Remedies Can Help Bacterial or Viral Infection Causing Symptoms?

Posted By Layla21 (Asheville, Nc) on 10/12/2016


I hope that some nice people could help me with an issue I feel is developing as a bacterial infection or worse.

I think I'm getting sick from the poor hygiene of a person in our household. I am aware of the person's habits of feeding the dog from personal dishes, which are set on the floor and then put into the sink and left until someone puts them into the dishwasher. A container I use for protein drinks was placed in the dishwasher a few weeks ago, with a few dishes. I had thought they were left from a wash, but they were not clean, it turns out--and immediately afterward I developed severe diarrhea. It's only beginning to let up now that I've taken some probiotics for about two weeks.

Is anyone able to tell me why I might be feeling ill now? I feel a weakness in my chest inside the cavity all the time, and often am short of breath. I am clear that it's under my skin, for some changes began to occur then and are not getting better. When I wake up in the morning, I feel bad, not as if I've had any rest from the night before, at all. It's not a camphylobacter. I've had that and know the consequences. But it's feeling like a MRSA issue, or something like it. I'm worried, and can't go to a doctor right now. I'm fairly clean all the time, so I hope I've not perpetuated this through my own habits--I hope.

What comes to mind are more probiotics, hydrogen peroxide and/or turmeric, but I really have no idea what could be going on. I know the dog has fleas sometimes. I wish I could take over care of these things, but I can't go behind this individual all the time.

Thank you so much. I hope to hear from some of you wise folks out there.



Replied by Nanowriter (Hotspot, Tx) on 10/15/2016

Layla, the first thing that comes to mind is parasites, especially roundworm because of the dog sharing your living space. You may want to worm yourself on a regular basis and see if that solves your health issues.

Replied by Jennifer (Vale, Ca) on 10/15/2016

Not sure what you have, but the shortness of breath might come from a magnesium deficiency. Try supplementing with magnesium or taking a 20 minute Epsom Salt bath every day and see if that helps. I would also take immune support building herbs or supplements in addition to the magnesium. Hope you feel better very soon!

Replied by Kt (Usa) on 10/15/2016

Ginger is an antibiotic and functions as an antidiarrheal. You could make a tea, 1/4 tsp. to 1/2 C water two or three times a day.

Garlic is another natural antibiotic. Mince a clove four times a day and swallow the pieces whole once you have something in your stomach. Four garlic cloves a day is also reported to kill tapeworms, the hardest parasite to get rid of.

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