Ashwagandha for anxiety

Posted By Gloria (Poughkeepsie, Ny, Usa) on 11/27/2012

I am a 20 year old women who is in recovery for anorexia nervosa. I think from anorexia I hurt my heart in some way because I now have intolerable anxiety sometimes, that hits me like a bus. Adivan/Xanax are helpful but are not good long term solutions, I know. I want something natural.

I recently tried Rhodiola and had some positive results with that, although it made me sleepy. What was really helpful was Ashwagandha--but then I read that this can cause weight gain, and that they give it to emaciated people to gain weight. I am barely comfortable weighing as much as I do now (5'9" and 126 pounds) and I worry that if I start gaining weight through this herb without changing my food intake, that I will fall back into "old" restricting patterns.

Has anyone taken Ashwagandha for long periods of time and noticed any effect on their weight? Thanks!


Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 11/27/2012

Hi Gloria, I'm sorry you had to suffer through this insidious issue. It is not an easy one to deal with, I know. I spent a lot of my youth dealing with this as well. It wasn't until I got pregnant when I was 28 that I could finally put this behind me. And yes, anorexia can cause the body to have all sorts of other issues due to malnourishment. The ashwagandha is very nourishing to the body but it also is re-balancing in its nature, or as they say in Chinese medicine, adaptogenic, meaning it does what is necessary to restore the homeostasis to the body. Therefore, doesn't it make sense that it would cause an emaciated person to gain weight?! Remember, you are also seeing things through distorted eyes which is one of the underlying causes of anorexia. And I have used ashwagandha for extended periods of time and have not noticed any significant weight gain. On the other hand, given your height and weight, you are still extremely thin and could use a bit more weight.

I'm glad you are aware that the meds you are using are not good for you. In the long run they will do a disservice to you. Try meditation, yoga, tai chi- some other form to calm you. Recovering from anorexia is a tricky business. Be kind to yourself. Eat healthy, nourishing foods and read books by such authors as Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Wayne Dyer. There is emotional healing to be done and learning to love yourself.

My suggestion to you also, would be to find a good Traditional Chinese medicine Dr. who can help restore your health which has been compromised through anorexia. This has caused your anxiety, heart issues and even your reaction to rhodiola. TCM sees the body as a whole and what, in western medicine, would appear unrelated, is actually completely related. They can help restore your health through acupuncture and Chinese herbs. It is a very powerful system.

I wish you the best in your quest for health. Lisa


Replied by Gloria (Poughkeepsie, Ny, Usa) on 11/27/2012

Thank you Lisa. You seem like an angel to me. :) Why do you think Rhodiola caused that reaction? Have you heard of that happening before? I started taking it in part because I still do not have a period and I'd like to regain it.

I contacted a homeopathic doctor in my area today. I am worried that I will not be able to afford it, but will try my best because I don't think an alternative approach would be better for me at this point.


Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 11/27/2012

Hi Gloria, Your reaction to rhodiola could be any number of reasons. An interesting aspect of Chinese medicine is 10 people could all have the same thing but the central cause could be 10 different reasons! Each person is individual. In western medicine, if everyone has a sore throat they are treated the same for that symptom. Western medicine treats the symptoms which is why you see people getting sick over and over again once they're done with their medication.

Now, I'm a bit confused by your last sentence because you say "you don't think an alternative approach would be better" for you at this point. Did you make an appt. with the homeopathic Dr.? Perhaps, find a Traditional Chinese medicine Dr. as well and compare costs. TCM is usually very reasonable. Homeopathy can vary widely. I am certain TCM can help you.

Also, remember that since you are so thin, your body most likely will not get a period. Anorexia often brings on amenorrhea because the body fat goes too low for a female to sustain a period. It is not unusual for very thin women to have this occur. I come from the ballet world where this is not uncommon. Most likely if you brought your body weight up, it would return.

I will be interested in hearing how you proceed. I know you can get past it. It will take some work but one day you will look back on it and see the prison you created for yourself through this distorted view of yourself. Through my own understanding of my journey I have been able to help young women make better choices. One day you will be able to do that, too. Wishing you the very best, Lisa


Replied by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 11/27/2012

Gloria: Supplement Raw Heart Glandular to rebuild the heart muscle. CoQ10 and Carnitine will strengthen the heart. There are many Chi or tonic herbs you can use, so it's simply good reason to use as many as possible in combination or in rotation. Find a good herbal handbook so you can learn what's best for you.

Replied by Gloria (Poughkeepsie, Ny, Usa) on 12/07/2012

Lisa, You give great advice. I am going to see a TCM doctor on Monday. I am going to talk about herbal treatments, which I'll post. Wish me luck! :)

I stuck with the Rhodiola Rosea and it's been helping, althought it makes me so gosh darn sleepy. But, I'll take sleepy over anxious ball of nerves obsessing about food any day. All the best.


Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 12/07/2012

Hi Gloria, Congratulations on taking the steps to taking back your health! I'm proud of you for that. I know you will see results with Chinese medicine. I'm glad the rhodiola was able to help quell your anxiety and stop the obsessing about food but being really sleepy isn't easy to deal with either! It's interesting because when I finally started to recover and eat in a "normal fashion", I would get so sleepy after my lunch, it was as if I had been drugged! I actually knew that if I'd just eaten, I wouldn't be able to drive for awhile, it was that bad. So obviously, we completely throw our bodies out of whack with this behaviour.

Now that you're going to work with a TCM doctor, they'll help get your body back in balance and clear the blocks, etc. One of my suggestions to my friends who go to the TCM Dr. is to always ask what they're doing, what are the herbs for, what is that acupuncture point for, etc. Of course, I'm the curious type so if that doesn't interest you, you don't have to and it will still work!

I'll be thinking of you and look forward to hear what you experience. Best to you, Lisa


Replied by Gloria (Poughkeepsie, Ny, USA) on 12/15/2012

Lisa, You've been so helpful so far! The doctor I went to was ok, but I kind of felt like she was just trying to get my money. She gave me some Acorus tablets to improve my concentration (as I have pretty bad ADD!) and told me to continue the Rhodiola, although it's making me unbelievable tired and dizzy (the crazy things we do to our bodies... ). The acupuncture treatment was really neat though, I felt very relaxed and clear.

On a side note, I was wondering: did you ever seek treatment for your anorexia? I was in the hospital last year and am considering going back during my break from school but am not sure if I need to at this point (and, let's face it, that's terrifying! ). I wanted to know if you had any experiences and/or recommendations--you seem so wise with all this stuff!

Thanks for all your help and hope you have a happy weekend. :)


(P.S. Louise Hays has some great books! I love her style and approach to health).


Replied by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 12/15/2012

Hi Gloria, I'm glad you felt good about your acupuncture treatment. The Acorus tablets are for ADD (and other things) so that makes sense that she gave those to you. Why don't you google Tao In A Bottle. My husband is very ADD and he said this helped him a lot. In addition, he it helped with anxiety. He said it relaxes him and uplifts him at the same time. Personally, I've never tried it as I take other Chinese herbs which serve me well but then I am not an anxious person at all nor do I deal with ADD.

Do you think you will continue with the TCM Dr. you found or research others? You have to feel good about who you choose and confident in their ability. I have been to several TCM drs over the years and honestly, have never felt like they were just trying to take my money. They were all quite sincere in their desire to help.

As for my dealings with anorexia, no I never went for formal help. Of course, back then there wasn't much understanding of it nor any real "treatment". As I said before, what turned me around was in my first pregnancy. Suddenly my focus was not on what I looked like and obsessing over that but rather that my first concern was the health of my baby and making sure that took precedence. It was as if a switch had been flipped and it was no longer about me.

Today, as a mentor and teacher to young, blossoming girls-to-women, I talk to them about their body's health rather than about weight. In the world of dance, this can be a tricky situation. I get them to focus on healthy foods to fuel their body, accept the body given to them and making the very best of it, focusing on dancing rather than obsessing over their body and working to stay in balance. I tell them books to read to help with self-esteem and healing and talk to them about journaling. I'm glad to hear you have read Louise Hay- she is one of my favorites and a real inspiration as a person. The books/ authors she supports through her publishing company, Hay House are inspiring and have guided me through the years. These are the recommendations I have for those under my guidance, maybe they can help you too.

BTW, when I wrote about the oils vs. Lotion, I didn't realize that was you asking the question! Rest assured, oils are absolutely wonderful to use! Hope this info helps. Lisa


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