Always bothered with mucus condition

Posted By Rai (Dallas, Texas) on 09/19/2010

I constantly have to clear my sinus throughout the day. It is very uncomfortable for me and when I do it, it is so loud that it disturbs my co-workers. I don't know where all this mucus is coming from and it gets really bad after I eat a meal. Sometimes I am clearing them so often that I get dizzy. Can anyone offer suggestions? I was on ACV for another issue & that didn't seem to help with my sinus problem.

Replied by Reijo (Espoo, Finland) on 10/03/2012

Hi, I've been trying various things for curing my bad chronic drip, including neti pot; it was not of help really. Just three days ago I myself came upon a method that helps dramatically. Chewing gum or peanuts when chewed seem to cheat my nervous system, obviously so that saliva secretion in the mouth causes mucus secretion in sinuses to stop.

Hopefully that can be effective also for somebody else.

I'm sorry that I've not been in occasion yet to go and see an ENT specialist to ask more about this and whether it is well known by doctors. (I understand though that chewing gum is being used by many of those who suffer with halitosis.)


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