Advice needed on glandular fever mononucleosis

Posted By Julie (Perth, Wa) on 07/11/2011

My 19 year old daughter has recently been diagnosed with glandular fever. She's extremely weak and tired but is eating and drinking in small amounts regularly. I have been giving her Schuessler's Ferr Phos, Comb F and Kali Mur every few hours for the last 24 hours. Can anyone offer advice please.

Replied by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia) on 07/12/2011

Many people have had great success in a few days with organic coconut oil

11/04/2010: Heather from Hibbing, Mn writes: "My daughter became sick and diagnosed with mono, after being told that fluids, rest and crossing your fingers that she may feel normal in three months, I did some research on line and started reading about coconut oil! After three days of taking it she was like new. No more high fevers, swollen eyelids, swollen glands in her throat, no more excessive sleepiness. She went back to school, only missed five days total, and back to work also! She has never had a relapse even after being done taking the tablets for a month, has been healthy ever since!! Coconut oil is a miracle as far as I'm concerned! I will use it for other illnesses also. Thank you for all the great information!!"


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