Advice needed on burping episodes

Posted By Junie (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) on 04/17/2011

Hi Ted,

I have been having burping episodes for a number of years and been looking for a solution. Been tested for gallstone, barium eneama, h pylori and a number of tummy tests. The only thing found a a small hiatal hernia. I found after having a nmber of antibiotics years ago, my symptom started.

My symptoms is every few months I get bad episode of gas and need to belch it out. I found oily food and tea does not agree with me. I have found probiotic helps but not eliminate the problem. I have been trying the ACV with baking soda and it help tremendously. However over the week I have experience another episode of the gas and belch. Should I continue with ACV and soda? Is there other suggestion you would recommend?


Replied by D (Ottumwa, Iowa, Usa) on 04/25/2012

You should try digestive enzymes.

Replied by Idow (Miami, Fl) on 08/10/2012

I also suffer from a small hernia. This is what has worked best so far:

1) Drink 1 cup fresh squeezed OJ before a full breakfast or 1/2 cup water w/ juice of 1/2 lime. Fresh is key here.
2) Drink small sips of water during your entire meal. Otherwise, the meal just sits on top of my stomach.
3) Whenever possible eat standing! It helps!
4) If you're sedentary, try walking, exercising.
5) Eat w/out stress! As soon as I'm stressed out, I get a knot in my stomach and start burping like crazy.


Replied by Idow (Miami, Fl) on 08/13/2012

Sorry forgot the most important part to my post, a very good video on how to self-treat hiatal hernias:

Video is kind of weird, don't understand the use of a model in a health video.... but it's good advice nonetheless.

The most important points to the video: 1) Drink a glass of water (I prefer 1/2 cup water with lime) before meals to create a "weight" on bottom of your stomach. Prevents stomach from "pushing up". 2) Relearn to breath: as you inhale stomach should push out gently & then "deflate" as you exhale. Most of us do the opposite. 3) Finally, don't be a dormat, don't keep feelings in. Voice your opinion. Great video, I have to keep reminding myself to do these things, they truly do help with digestion if you have acid reflux, GERD or hernias.


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