Advice from readers needed on gallbladder attacks

Posted By Healthy248 (Digby, Nova Scotia, Canada) on 11/16/2011

Hello there!
I am looking for information from Ted if possible... About what earthclinic treatments, remedies, cures, spices, herbs and or supplements that may aggravate and or create gallbladder attacks, gallstone formation, and or kidney issues of the same. I have been attempting to follow some of these remedies, but have recently experienced what Doctors have said is gallbladder attacks very painful, and that it needs to be chopped out.... please if you could help me or put me in touch with Ted...please
Thank you .....desperate

Replied by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 11/16/2011

Please look at

It has helped me a lot in terms of diet, beet pills, and other remedies.

What worked for me was acupuncture, chinese herbs, using steamed beets with every meal, ACV with water 2-3 times daily, incorporating coconut oil, avocados and nuts into my diet along with ghee, and getting RID of consuming any other type of vegetable oil or soyabean or canola oil.

Additionally exercise helps move the bile which reduces the size of the stones so that's a must on a daily basis. And finally google pranic healing. That removed all my stones without surgery. Good luck


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