Advice for father who has been in coma

Posted By Shashi (Hyderabad, India) on 10/29/2014

Hi, My father is in coma past 2 months, he went into coma after his Open heart Surgery. Doctors told while surgery his BP got low/drop and there is some blood clots in brian. But since then he is in coma.

Till last Friday he could not open his eyes but now he is able to open and seeing around. he is on tracheotomy tube for that he is not able to open his mouth and both hands ware not working at all. He is just shaking his legs occasionally.

Any suggestions for treatments please?


Replied by Timh (KY) on 10/30/2014

The herbs Ginkgo Biloba and Vinpocetine (Periwinkle) improve blood flow in the brain.

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