About advice from bill of the philippines on parasite cleanse

Posted By Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 06/23/2014

Hello, Bill. I am getting ready for a thorough body cleanse. I need a parasite cleanse and a cleaning of my arteries due to diabetes. I am in favour of turp and kerosene but am open to any of your suggestions. I am vegan, with fatigue syndrome and need parasite removal. I also have a dry cough and irritation from throat to lungs.

Re Lugol's iodine - where to obtain.

Thank you, Bill , and I hope you can take the time to respond. Namaste, Om


Replied by Bill (San Fernando Philippines) on 06/23/2014

Hi Om...From what you've mentioned, you have CFS as well as suspect parasite/candida issues. So taking iodine as well as turps is a strong protocol for your problems. However, as I usually recommend, you should always use iodine together with its essential companion nutrients to avoid problems -- the reasons are all described and explained in these links for you to better understand why:

Full Iodine Protocol

Iodine Companion Nutrients

Iodine Supplementation Guidelines

If the turps is too strong for you(because of a possible large Herx die-off) then you could also use Hulda Clark's Parasite Protocol as an alternative which is quite a simple protocol. Just google it to find the ingredients.

Because you have CFS I would also add another protocol to your regimen. Most CFS sufferers are under-methylated -- they have blockages in their Methylation Cycle that greatly lowers their glutathione levels(lowers the body's ability to detox poisons and heavy metals in other words) and this can also cause or trigger chromosomal aberrations or DNA variants that are not beneficial to the body. To read up on all the research on this -- it is complicated!! -- see this link for explanations.

The nutrients to take for this protocol to help remove blockages in your methylation cycle are as follows:

* Methylcobalamin(Vitamin B12) 1 mg sublingually

* Methyltetrahydrofolate 800mcg (as ActiFolate -- google it)

* Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal-5-phosphate) 100mgs (50mgs twice daily)

* Glutathione 250 mgs daily.

* Trimethylglycine(TMG) -- 500 mgs per day.

* Alpha Lipoic Acid(ALA) -- 300 mgs twice daily.

* Selenium (200 mgs twice a day) as Selenomethinonine

* Acetyl-L-Cysteine -- 300 mgs twice a day.

* B 50 Complex -- once a day.

* Lecithin granules -- one tablespoon a day.

* Vitamin D3 -- 4000 iu per day. Taken together with regular dosages of Vitamin K2.

* All the above nutrients to be taken at mealtimes.

Also please be aware that this methylation protocol will have considerable beneficial effects on your body -- it will raise your immune system and detox system to powerful healthy levels again. The downside is that you may well experience strong Herx die-off or detox reactions as side-effects as a result of this protocol. As ever, if this happens then you should reduce/adjust the dosages of this methylation protocol to bearable levels accordingly.

The glutathione, cysteine and iodine will also benefit your lung problem. Drinking milk will also help to increase the mucus in your lungs. The iodine protocol will also take care of any low thyroid or hypothyroid issues that you may also have. Your liver will also be strongly protected because of the ALA, cysteine and selenium. Iodine will also help the diabetes and also helps to prevent osteoporosis. ALA will also help to remove excess sugars from the blood and also helps to prevent diabetic neuropathy.


Replied by Biil (San Fernando Philippines) on 06/23/2014

Forgot to answer your last question. Lugol's Iodine can easily be obtained from internet vendors. Look for it on ebay.com. Make sure to buy the 5% Lugols Iodine.

Another place where you can purchase lugols iodine is at your local pet stores or perhaps at a vet clinic. It's the same stuff.


Replied by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 06/23/2014

Dear Bill,

I am curious as to why you say to make sure to get the 5% Lugol's solution. I have used Iodoral or Lugol's 2% for several years. Your comment makes me wonder if I should be getting Lugols 5%.


~Mama to Many~


Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 06/24/2014

Hi Mama to Many...You can certainly use the 2% Lugols Iodine or Iodoral if you want -- I also recommend Iodoral which is just LI in a pill. I guess I just like the history of 5% LI -- this was usually always the strength used(very successfully for many diseases) in the pre-WWII years.

There are also two versions of the iodoral pill -- the 12.5 mgs pill(equivalent to 2 drops 5% LI) or the 50 mgs pill (equivalent to 8 drops 5% LI). I also use liquid lugols iodine because it last longer and is therefore cheaper than most other forms of iodine.

The other reason I only quote one strength of LI is to avoid confusion. I recommend 8 drops of 5% LI for good reason. But if you use 2% LI then you would have to use 20 drops of this iodine to equal the same amount of iodine/iodide in 8 drops of 5% LI that I recommend. That's why I always recommend 5% LI.

If you want to see a good table that will help you to to understand and determine the amount of LI that you are actually taking as mgs per drop as a dose then see this link:

Iodine % strength Drop to Mgs Conversion Chart

So if I said that the daily dose should be 50 mgs of LI per day, then this means that you would either have to take 8 drops of 5% LI(at 6.25 mgs per drop) or you would have to take 20 drops of 2% LI(at 2.5 mgs per drop). And as you can see there is a large drop difference between the two strengths with plenty of room for people to get their drop to mgs dosage wrong if wrongly interpreted.

I would also perhaps split up your daily LI dose to four times a day. Avoid taking LI in the evening as it tends to energize the body and keep you awake. So you should take your last dose of LI in late afternoon.


Replied by Mama to Many (Tennessee) on 06/25/2014

Hi Bill,

Thanks for taking time to explain your recommendations! That makes sense.

Have a great day!

~Mama to Many~


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