Seeking Remedies for Abdominal, Digestive Pains / Back Pain & Muscle Stiffn

Posted By Waterlily (Quebec) on 02/08/2016


I am 21 years old and have been having a lot of muscle pain (back, neck, knee) since june 2015. While some of it is undeniably structural (moderate scoliosis), my muscles have never been this tight before and I have pain everyday because of it. I've been swimming more consistently and doing exercises and stretches but I feel worse because of the tightness..

I'm wondering if it's related to a mineral deficiency and what I should do for that if it's the case. I had been going to acupuncture and osteopathy, but stopped with osteo because even minor movements would set me back to where we started from (pointing towards minerals?).

About 3 months ago I started to have sharp pains all over my abdomen. I went to the clinic and they told me it was an ulcer and gave me a prescription. I went back the next day because it was so painful and they told me it probably wasn't an ulcer and to drink water. I was really turned off from going back since that experience but I am still having abdominal pains all over. It's different in that it's not as sharp and acute, but it's now in different areas and sometimes I have heart burn because of it. Also I started noticing changes in my urine ~ it's more oily / the yellow color stays separate from the rest of the liquid.

I started seeing a natureopath around the time that the pains started and she said that my stomach was too alkaline while the rest of the my body was too acidic, and that I wasn't absorbing things because of it - acidosis and a sluggish thyroid. I stopped seeing her however because I got weird vibes from her and would cry every time in her office haha.

When I went back today to the clinic they refused to do a stool test even though I really tried to get one - it smells really foul sometimes, like... something is very, very wrong. Basically they are only going to test for Celiac's disease.

I was really hoping to get some feedback on this from other people! sorry if this is graphic at all, but I am really trying what I can to get on the road to health and stability.

I eat fairly well by the way (except for a rampant sweet tooth)




Replied by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/09/2016

Waterlilly, your answer is in your last sentence. To reduce cravings for sweets, try eating more protein.

Also, try Epsom Salts baths for getting more magnesium. Read up on magnesium for aching muscles.


Replied by Jim (Frostburg) on 02/09/2016

Body pains that have no basis in physical injury can be caused by a food allergy. You may be allergic to such simple agents as wheat gluten or dairy; and yes, this allergy can just occur one day. You may very well eradicate your pain by doing away with those dietary elements for a week.

Taking 200 MG magnesium in the morning can often alleviate allergic-reactions to triggering agents;and so you might try that route first.

Your abdominal pain, in particular, may also be related to abundant gas-- bloating -- which would cause your feeling of 'tightness' and back pain. Certain bacteria can cause over-abundant bloating. The best thing I've found to right your gut is D-Limonene. Turpentine is another remedy but unlike tupentine, limonene is still considered 'food grade' and is available in a pill form. Find it on Amazon and read the reviews -- see if anything 'strikes a chord' with your own experience.


Replied by Mary (Illinois) on 02/09/2016

When I was your age, I had stomach pain so bad, the doc went in for exploratory surgery and found nothing, they had me on several meds and nothing helped, after surgery they asked me if I was stressed over something, and im like YEAH!! My stomach hurts and you guys can't find nothing.. LOL ... its more than likely stress.. (keeping my fingers crossed) change your diet, delete soda pop, start a food diary and write down your physical systems and keep tabs, you can take vitamin b complex to help deal with the stress and nerves, drink some turmeric tea to help with the pain, my recipe is 1 tablespoon turmeric 4 cups of water and 1 tablespoon of hone, simmer for 10 minutes and sip,

If you have a gassy stomach which also comes from stress, you can drink a shot of apple cider vinegar and that should calm the gut, if you have diareha drink a shot of kosher dill pickle juice, and to help the swelling better, take a tube sock and fill it 3/4 full of dry rice and tie a knot at the end so the rice doesn't fall out, than take the rice sock and place it in the 2nd sock and knot that one as well, place the dry rice/sock in the microwave and set it on 2 minutes.. NO MORE THAN 2 MINUTES, , this will be HOT. and grab the sock by the knot when taking it out of the microwave, grab a face towel and wrap it around the dry rice sock and place it on the area that hurts the most, you can reuse this sock many times as long as you don't get it wet. Get well soon :)


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