5 year old with enlarged lymph nodes

Posted By Desperate Mom (ST. Catherines, Ontario, Canada) on 05/28/2009

I have a 5yr old that presently has enlarged lypmh nodes in her neck. She had surgery to remove the tonsil and adenoids a year ago because it was obstructing her breathing. The nodes were noted around the time of surgery. Blood test was done last week with the results being normal. I have not got a clue how to start treatment to help the nodes to shrink. My 2yr old is now following the same path as her sister but has started even younger. The ENT surgeon wants her to do surgery now. Please help me.

Replied by Marg (Hamilton, Ontario) on 08/17/2011

Try the castor oil treatment, or Sea Salt, or Lugol's Iodine (just drops will work) or google "iodine patch test" and follow instructions. Have you seen a naturopath? I know here in Ontario we have so called free medicine but that only means that sometimes the "free" good remedies are not available because neither the Doctor nor the Pharmacy make any money. Try everything before you have surgery on the 2 year old. Good luck. Check out Dr. Hui's site in Toronto. He costs $250 per hour but will get you the results you want.



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