Quick Smoking Months Ago, Now Using DMSO in Humidifier

Question by Betsy on 12/28/2008

Hi Ted,

I will be using 50/50 dmso and water.

1. Is it best to use carbon filtered tap water, spring water, distilled water
2. Do I sit 12" or so away from humidifier opening and inhale through my mouth or nose or is it best to let it fill the room
3. Approximately how long do I inhale DMSO for
4. How many times a week should I do this
5. For how long (a week, month, year)

I was a smoker had my first cigarettes at 10 and became a smoker at 14 I quite about 3 months ago and have no more cravings. Since I started alkalizing and my body is getting healthier my lungs have started to produce a small amount of thick phlegm that makes me clear my throat a lot non stop. It is worse in the morning and before bed. It is sometimes hard to get cleared out of my throat. It feels like this phlegm is at the base of my throat (the part of the throat that is close to the collar bone verses close to the chin)

I have been alleviating always feeling fatigued (cfs), foggy, PMS very painful cramps (now not so bad), anxiety atacks, heart palpatations, sore joints, TMJ, itchy ear canal with lots of runny wax, lots and lots of boils usually had to get them injected with cortisone. Your remedies have really been amazing. N Acetyl Cysteine, Alkalizing, magnesium, zinc and niacinamide, borax, clove oil, sodium thiosulfate have all really been amazing to me. Everything works together synergisticly. My energy and mind has significantly cleared up, PMS is almost cleared up, my joint pain is almost non existent, boils are under control after all that then my lungs started to act up and this is why I want to do dmso in a humidifier I bet my lungs are filled with black tar. As my body gets healthy different parts of my body seem to go through detox and right now it is my lungs.

These are the supplements I am taking:

1. 600 mg of N Acetyl Cysteine 3 times a day

2. unflavored protein shake powder one scoop in 8oz of chocolate almond milk 2 times per day (no preservatives, vitamins or artificial sweeteners in this protein powder. chocolate almond milk has organic evaporated cane juice) I add the following loose/powdered supplements to it

Xylitol (1/2 tsp 3x per day)
lecithin 10g/tblsp 1 tbl 2x per day
magnesium 250 mg 1/4 tsp 3x per day
L glutamine 1 tsp=5g 3x per day
niconamide 300 mg 1/8 tsp 3x per day

5. l theanine 100 mg

6. oregano oil capsules 3x per day

8. vit d 2000mg 5 per day split up into 3 doses

9. vit a 10,000 iu 1 1x per day

10. l carnosine 500 mg 2x per day

12. 1/4 tsp baking soda and 1/2 tsp Ascorbic acid (has some bioflavinoids 3000 mg of ascorbic and 1000mg bioflavanoids in 1 tsp) 3x per day

13. 800 mg Folic Acid 2 x per day

14. zinc acetate 50 mg 1 time per day

15. Aspirin in water (wash of coating then put in water) 2-3 times per week

2-3 times per week I drink 1 litter of water with 1 drop of clove oil, 1/8 tsp borax and, 2 drops of sodium thiosulfate (is this combination ok ) or 1 litter of water with 1/4 tsp sea salt.

2-3 times per week I will start to each cilantro

I also purchased colloidal silver and eucalyptus oil and white vinegar to put into the humidifier and try them all all as separate therapies on different days.

Thank you so much for being such a wonderful humanitarian. I will like to make a donation very soon after I recover from the holidays.


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Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/29/2008

Dear Betsy: I am happy to hear of your improvement!

As to your condition, the constant phlegm is the body is obviously detoxing itself trying to get rid of the tar and smoke. This can be noticed by spitting it onto a white sink. A healthy phlegm is colorless, but a body trying to rid of the smoke or sooth (tar is more difficult) the colors will be noted. An N Acetyl Cysteine (non-effervescent kind as the effervescent contains toxic aspartame will definitely worsen the condition) will liquefy tne phlegm, but the tar requires a separate treatment. A colloidal silver, one tablespoon a day (it helps if drops of H2O2 3% is added in per bottle) so that the silver is broken down smaller still. The colloidal silver for some reason or another helps the lungs to regenerate tissues in the air sacs, as the body slowly removes tar from the system using a 50/50 DMSO solution humidifier, slowly, but surely. An MSM (methylsulfonylmethane), in some cases 1/4 teaspoon, plenty of water may further rid of tar in the bloodstream (with lecithin) as tar is slowly dissolved into the blood stream from the clog lungs. Some regenerative capacity of the lungs (stem cells) are created with colloidal silver, but I have also found aloe vera oil, to be very helpful for such regeneration. That dose, is taken 1 tablespoon every week, is a good dose, without taking too much. While aloe vera oil, may not be easily be found, certain products may have aloe vera in them. Those have a lower aloe vera oil content, in which case it's taken daily, in available food forms.

What I can confirm my recent findings on Chronic fatigue syndrome is it doesn't even have to be a virus, I have found one case was initiated by aspartame (found in Clorets, xylitol chewing gums, sugarless candies, as well as chewable supplements). Hence for CFS, it really helps that these aspartame, artificial sweeteners is eliminated giving a chance for CFS recovery. Furthermore, avoiding chlorine and fluorine is very helpful in lessening CFS issues. This CFS and sometimes chest pain often occurs after a shower, in which case the fatigue sets in as chlorine displaces iodine from the body, causing some weakness. A sodium thiosulfate, taken before shower, and perhaps a solution of thiosulfate is applied to the body before shower helps lessen the chlorine toxicity and reduce CFS associated with the chlorinated water, and borax against the negative effects of fluoridated water.

As to your questions:

1. Is it best to use carbon filtered tap water, spring water, distilled water

Spring water is preferred. Carbon filtered tap water won't remove fluoride or heavy metals. Heavy metals exposure from tap water is a common feature of people with CFS also. A distilled water is fine, but sea salt must be added, or reconstituted to work best, so when this happens, it works like spring water. A distilled water with 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt is one way of creating a reconstituted spring water, if spring water isn't found.

2. Do I sit 12" or so away from humidifier opening and inhale through my mouth or nose or is it best to let it fill the room

It's best to sit about a foot away from humidifier and inhale directly. Letting the room filled up won't reach that much into the lungs.

3. Approximately how long do I inhale DMSO for

This depends on the amount of tar that is accumulated (and hence empheysema), the more it is the shorter is the time since the body can handle only so much of the tar in the bloodstream to removed via the intestines as it is removed from the lungs. As a rough guide, it's usually best to start with 30 minutes twice a day. And depending on how well this improves breathing the next day, adjustment for longer times or less time will depend on how much DMSO we can handle. However 30 minutes is the time I used that seems to cause the least problems. If it does cause some irritation, the time is reduced by 1/2 to 15 minutes. In general 30 minutes is the best starting point at twice a day, then tweaking them accordingly. Usually done every other day or two days. This gives a chance for the body to detox. Ideally, I think once every two or three days would not put too much unnecessary stress to the body's limited capacity to detox.

4. How many times a week should I do this

This depends on how serious is the breathing, from the effects of tar. If it's minor, then it's just once a week. If it is quite bad, such as a respiratory on oxygen, or difficulty breathing is noticed if DMSO was not used, then it maybe used as frequently as necessary depending on DMSO's own result. In which case it's done once every two or three days.

5. For how long (a week, month, year)

Until the conditions of tar in the lungs (black lungs are no longer apparent) or breathing is no longer a problem. If the condition is not serious then usually between 1-3 months. A person with a full fledge emphysema however may require more than a year. It depends on the tar buildup in the lungs. Usually a normal breathing pattern is indication that the body has already healed itself and it may be discontinued.

Other supplements that may help is tyrosine, and sometimes kelp or iodine. Xylitol must be pure and in powdered form. Read the labels to make sure NO ASPARTAME is added, or a packaged labeled "Aspartame Free" products. U.S. market today is not likely to have this label, so just read the fine print of ingredients instead. PMS pain cramps are often cured simply with magnesium. most will go away in minutes. If condition persists then blood sugar spikes is a problem, and 1500 mcg of chromium chloride, or chromium polynicotinate is taken. It also reduces appetite. One addition to carnosine that's synergistic is the taurine, but it has an effect on controlling weight loss and reduction in appetite, not to mention reduced toxicity to high blood sugar. In effect it also improves the immune system. A whey or protein supplements is best taken during morning, and if aspirin need to be taken is taken during the same time as the whey supplements.

Interestingly anxiety attack often comes from the use of sugarless chewing gums that contains aspartame and if that's eliminated, and taking vitamin B complex with some amino acid supplements, the anxiety attacks, if they were caused from aspartame, will usually disappear.


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Replied by Megg (North Vernon, Indiana) on 09/11/2012

I was reading on here as far back as 2007 about DMSO and vaporizing to reach the lungs but lost where I seen it at. Can you advise of how to use DMSO I am 57 yrs old and have severe COPD and emphasema. I would like to try DMSO. My weight is 83 lbs and very sensitive stomach to things so need to know if it makes you ill at any time or have to use the bathroom alot... Those types of things. Thanks so much for time and patience.



Replied by Ronald (Lima, Peru) on 03/11/2014

For lung cancer patients and COPD, MMS has been used effectively in a humidifier. Can DMSO also be added MMS and DMSO are combined for oral dosage and transdermal application with good results.
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Replied by Karl (Nova Scotia) on 03/07/2024

Xylitol must be pure and in powdered form, does this mean Xylitol granular like sugar is useless

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