Ted's Remedies

Question by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Farmers have known long ago feeding humic acid literally cures cows of mastitis, makes manure odorless, makes animals more docile, helps pigs, chickens, etc. be productive and reduce the need for antibiotics. Due to its antibiotic, antiviral the animals seems to recover quicker. One quick note, if you put too much humic acid (granules) more than 0.5% w/w in their feeds, some will get diarrhea for first 1-2 days - much has to do with detoxification. But after that they are normal. I have heard amazing stories about humic acid which I do not want to mention over the email. However for dogs, it helps them with their allergies, and helps dog recover faster from "unknown sickness". My veterinarian here (in Thailand) has a 100% failure rate; if I sent a sick dog to him, he will return me with a dead dog. As a result, I decided to feed my dog with humic acid mixed with vinegar. The amount is small, enough to make the solution light brown or dark brown after mixing in the water the dogs drink. Not only does the dog drink it, I myself use it to reduce the severity of cold virus.

It is presently being used in treatment of cancer, virus, as well as reduced tissue rejection, and treatment of burn victims. I like it because it helps me with better concentration.

You can get some cursory information from this website:

Which tells a little bit more. However, I got creative. I mixed H2O2 plus vinegar and enough humic acid to mixed to get a dark brown solution. The humic acid I used is a granulated kind. Of course you can get some more information (more formal) from this place:


Some people really got fancy and used fulvic acid portion during the brewing process of silver colloids to helps better absorption of silver to the body to improved its antibiotic and antiviral strength.

I find however, from an ancient Chinese text, that the treatment of hemorhagic virus using humic acid much more interesting. In general I used humic acid as a general cure-all much similar to apple cider vinegar. However, I mixed vinegar with humic acid - instead of using apple cider vinegar due to budgetary constraints of buying organic Apple Cider Vinegar.

A side note to use of apple cider vinegar: I find use of acv alone is not effective. I add one teaspoon of H2O2 3% plus 1 tablespoon of vinegar plus a large pinch of baking soda (reactions becomes sodium acetate) I get better results. Apparently your body also needs some buffer to get rid of colds. I further modified using humic acid. I hope that doesn't sound counfusing. This is because all the mentioned mixtures have strong antiviral antibacterial properties. I used it since the colds has been really infectious and really resistant lately."


Replied by Luimerten (Vienna, Austria) on 02/11/2011

Hi ted, thanks alot for the interesting information. Never heard of fulvic acid!! Can you provide me a link to order via internet or where can I buy that

best regards,

02/11/2011: Luimerten from Vienna, Austria replies: "Hi again, I better provide you with my e-mail addy:

(regarding ordering fulvic acid)


thx alot"

04/26/2011: Daniela from Medias, Romania replies: "Dear Ted,

Your posts make me feel I am making progress in my quest for fundamentals of life. I've been studying alternative methods for a while and used them exclusively while living in Calgary, Canada. Now, after nine years, we relocated back to our home town in Romania. I find here the viral infections are a lot stronger and last longer.

However, it seams to me that humic acid and its active component fulvic acid provide answers to a lot of our nutrition "confusions". The fact that our food is mineral depleted it makes sense because we are eating so much yet always feel hungry and craving for more. I found a couple of companies that make this but it is very expensive and, more importantly I don't know how to tell if they are trustworthy or not. However, I wonder if it is possible... Provided I find humic acid shale in my parts with help from geologist friends, is there a simple enough process (sterilized) of turning it into food supplement for my family You can buy clay in pharmacies here, but no one heard of humic acid. I wonder how was it produced in Ayurveda by Indian health practitioners

Thank you so much for your comprehensive and reliable reports. They give one hope that truth still lives on Earth :)


Replied by Angela (Boston, Ma) on 04/19/2012

The fulvic minerals you write about, shilajit and leonardite, are just a few of the fulvic source deposit types. While both are rich in humic minerals, if it's fulvic minerals you are after, then the source deposit of choice should be E-Lite, as it has the purest and highest concentrations of fulvic minerals (the fulvic minerals are more refined versions of humic).

Replied by Suzanne (Abbotsford, Bc) on 06/20/2012

Ted, I thought I read elsewhere that you should NOT mix ACV and hydrogen peroxide, because one is an antioxidant and the other is an oxidant.

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