Should I Worry About Bone Degeneration?

Question by Ramila (London, England) on 11/10/2007

Dear Sir, I was very excited about your site. I have been taking apple cider vinegar with soda bicarbonate and feel really very good. I was taking it for osteoarthirits. it has helped me a lot. i have very less knee pains now. Recently, I met a doctor friend and told him what I have been taking for my knee pains. Unfortunately, he said that soda bicarbonate is not good to use it for long term and also said that it degenerates your bones in long term. Can you please, please let me know if this is true. I don't want to stop taking this formula as I do feel good. Regards, Ramila

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dear Ramila, I have been taking soda for about 35 years now. So if anyone with a severe bone problem, it has got to be me.

The issue is that this news is not true. Basically an osteporosis or osteoarthritis are due to a mycobacterium which exists in an acidic state bound to the bones calcium. If the body is sufficiently alkaline, the bone pain reduces. The baking soda does not reduce the calcium. Baking soda is a bicarbonate which buffers the body against pH fluctuation so the body can protect itself against the mycobacterium. The major weakness of the mycobacterium IS the bicarbonates. In fact if the body is sufficiently alkaline, it will not cause the acidic blood to eat the bone. One easy example to illustrate is if you put chicken bones in a vinegar (acidic) for about a month, or even an egg shell, the acid vinegar will REMOVE THE CALCIUM from the chicken bone. A long term acid state of the body is much like a chicken bone in a vinegar. The calcium is removed BY ACIDITY, not by alkalization. Thus the alkalization will reduce any leeching effect of the blood in removing the calcium from your bones, very much like acid rain that eats through Greek statues. The fact is, alkalization protects against calcium from leeching from the bones because it is the acid that eats through the calcium.

[Ted continues in a second letter:]
It should be noted other remedies that is very useful against this conditions are vitamin D3, vitamin K2, magnesium citrate 250 mg/month and an ocassional borax remedy. Vitamin D is synthesized by adults or even someone who is 60 years old, has only 1/6 of a children. Vitamin K and vitamin K2 (commonly found in Natto japanese soy fermented products) are also helpful against it because of its anti mycobacterium properties that causes the condition as well as being synergistic with the vitamin D. Mangesium is a important because for the body to properly utilize the calcium, it needs two magnesium molecules. However, magnesium also have a unique, and not yet well known properties against mycobacterium that exists in the bone, and kill them too, thus reducing the condition. Certain staph like bacteria that exists in the ligaments of the joint, eats through this and taking plenty of magnesium will also kill those bacterium that eats through the ligament. Borax is one other remedy I cannot do without. Anytime I don't take it for months, I get a bone problem, especially my knee. The borax remedy I used is 1/4 teaspoon per liter of drinking water, possibly taking up to 5 days a week if it is serious, but a relatively bening dose of once a week is sufficient. Women seems to need less, than 1/4, and 1/8 is the common remedy that I used, although not taken everyday. Borax is one of the most common remedy (along with baking soda and magnesium, but never denying vitamin D) against ostearthritis, and other similar bone condition. It should be noted that the basic remedy to this condition I have always consider baking soda to be the most important, that the condition won't work itself out, if this is not used.


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