Ted's Feedback

Question by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

... One experimental mouthwash, in case everything seems painful is the use of milk of magnesia as a mouthwash and added peppermint oil to reduce the pain, in case the pain is just unbearable, I always can use plenty of peppermint oil in my mouth several times. It should be noted that peppermint is antiviral and kills the canker sore virus, but the alkalinity of the milk of magnesia kills it too, as well as xylitol and zinc acetate in case you are wondering.

Sea salt is quite good for most mild cases of ulcers, but in tough ones, required a more comprehensive way to deal with it and other factors must also be be used too...

EC: Read the rest of Ted's post here: https://www.earthclinic.com/cures/canker_sores_questions.html#Question_895

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