Causes Severe Diarrhea?

Question by Julie (Reading, Pennsylvania) on 05/16/2007

This is the 2nd time I'm posting this question. As well, I sent a message to Ted, and I haven't gotten any responses yet. I started taking ACV & baking soda about 2 weeks ago, and it IMMEDIATELY stopped my acid reflux (for which my symptom is a burning sore throat)!! Wonderful! However, I have Ulcerative Colitis (which is in remission) and have been experiencing diarrhea. I took the ACV * baking soda first thing in the AM , then had my low-acid coffee, and about an hour later, had severe "D". My question is, could the ACV be causing my diarrhea. I don't know what else it could be I'm concerned that my UC might be flaring up, yet, it's helping my acid reflux.

Also, I am still taking my omeprazale, is it not counter-productive to be taking that, and the ACV Am I messing up the needed acid in my body for my bowels to function properly Please respond...I've refered your website to MANY others,and now I'm afraid to tell them about my problem. -Julie


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Low acid coffee should be avoided. Usually diarrhea is due to the body or that the meals of foods immediately or within 30 minutes after taking ACV baking soda. It should exceed one hour. Certain quality of ACV may be the cause o fhe problem so switching brands may help.

The best way to deal with this problem is to try just 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water x 2 times a day. It is the baking soda that can help most of the acid reflux anyway. Apple cider was added to help energy levels and immune issues while buffering is also helpful too.


Replied by

EC: We just received another report of someone also getting "D" in the morning after taking the combo. (See 5/16/2007 entry on the ACV & Baking soda cures page.)

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