Can You Use Bloodroot on Your Temple?

Question by L. on 07/07/2009

I have a question about the black salve with blood root in it. Is it safe to use on your temple, would it cause any damage if you did use it on your temple Or would you suggest something else

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/07/2009

Basically a black salve is a powerful mixture of blackroot and is used to remove tumors on skin. It may leave a scar initially, but it seems to heal after the growth was removed. If would generally use hydrogen peroxide 6% to burn off the tumor or a 3%. For some reason or another the tumors don't burn with H2O2, but is simply dried up. I generally use bloodroot tincture taken internally to shrink tumor size fairly quickly enough, and the dose is quite low of 2 drops three times or four times a day.

As to the blacksalve applied to the skin, I believe it's applied thinly enough, just to do the job and done slowly rather than apply excessively so it won't cause too much of a problem."

07/07/2009: L. replies: "Can you use in on moles "

07/07/2009: Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "It may remove moles, if it's applied there over a small area.


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