Calcium Carbonate Substitute for Baking Soda Effective?

Question by Marie (Birmingham, AL) on 07/08/2008

There is a substitute Baking Soda product that is made from Calcium Carbonate. Could this be a used instead of good old fashioned baking soda for the many maladies (viruses, cancer)with the same success of alkalanizing your body for those who are low sodium diets

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/09/2008

Calcium carbonate isn't water soluble and therefore it doesn't go into the bloodstream that easily. Taking them didn't have the alkalizing effect either as most of them generally go out of the stool and sometimes causes constipation.

The best substitute for sodium bicarbonate is a half and half mixture of sodium bicarbonate and potassium bicarbonate. Another good one is trisodium citrate, in fact trisodium citrate actually worked better on alkalizing effect in terms of the length of alkalizing than does the sodium bicarbonate. Sometimes if I have low potassium, I may also use potassium citrate. Actually a non sodium or potassium substitute is actually not calcium carbonate, but it is magnesium bicarbonate. The problem about magnesium bicarbonate is it exists only in water and is reacted with soda water to make that, which is relatively inconvenient. Once company makes magnesium bicarbonate, called Unique Water sold in Australia used to treat arthritis. One possible substitute for magnesium bicarbonate might be magnesium citrate, but I haven't quite tested it's effectiveness in alkalizing. Generally, calcium carbonate is something I won't use to substitute for baking soda because it's a bad substitute and excessive use leads to kidney stones, constipation, cataract (increases calcium in the eye lens), encourages polycystic kidney disease, and a host of other problems. However calcium carbonate can be use as a component of toothpaste because of its abrasive properties along with an appropriate surfactants.


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