
Question by Helen (Tain, Ross-Shire, Scotland) on 12/12/2006

I am using garlic to treat my dog for yeast infection in the paws. I have since read that Garlic is very bad for dogs and also dangerous. Is this true Should I be giving my dogs Garlic

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Usually if you want to give dogs garlic it is o.k. for most local applications. However don't let the dogs eat garlic. They usually won't unless you mixed it in their food. It can be applied to their paws, etc. for external purposes. That is then ok. Garlic given internally in large amounts can be toxic. If the dog should happen to lick the garlic on his paws, the amount should not be enough to kill him.

Dog's metabolisms are very different to humans and yes garlic is toxic to them if taken in large amounts. However there are other foods that are toxic such as chocolate, grapes, raisins, coffee, nutmegs, bread (yeast!), milk and yes spoiled foods!

Dogs are NOT vegetarians and they can die of a kidney disease by taking foods high in oxalates, where the food comes from the bean family. In humans, kidney stones and disease takes a little while longer if the food were high in oxalates. One interesting thing I found is that dog foods sometimes cause yeast infection especially after eating dog food or certain antibiotics. Many vets med are quite toxic to dogs and I don't know why they give them anyway.

I would like to point out that there is misinformation re multivitamins and vinegar, that they are bad for dogs. In my case, I saved my dog's life twice with multivitamins and I need not give him beyond 2 days. I just gave enough for the dog to recover. The other time was my dog was poisoned from an unknown source, in one case, and in another confirmed insecticidal dog's shampoo poisoned the dog. In both cases the use of vinegar saved the dog's life.


Replied by Beth (Schwenksville, PA) on 07/31/2022

Hi My little chihuahua had some cooked ground beef with onion soup in it He hasnt been the same since he had the itty bitty burger I made him. He threw up that night & just hasnt been the same...he is very old...will be 15 years old in sept, he is only abt 5 pounds if that, what can I do for him...he has been sleeping a lot more, cant walk well, and acting very strange when I pick him up ! Please help me with this Thank you

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