Want Remedy for Skin Infection

Question by Candice on 03/27/2007

Hello Ted! I know that you are so busy, and probably more so now, that your email address has been published. I was writing to you in regards to a skin infection that my mother in law has. When she first got it the doctors believed that she had lice, without examining her they gave her medication (three times) to treat this (malathion, I believe it is called but am not sure of the correct spelling). Anyways, that was back in early August, now she has been seen by 4 different doctors and is now seeing a "skin specialist" he has examined her and I believe taken skin samples but once again with no real answer to what the condition is. He says that it is a skin bacteria and given her (this is currently her second tube) an anti-fungal cream. The cream still (for the last month) has had no effect. Her symptoms: the skin is irritated and looks like small cigarette burns all down the back of her neck and sides, I also believe on the scalp. I have looked on Earth Clinic regarding the bacterial skin infections and your recommendations but none of the other people's symptoms mirrored hers. I just don't really know what to do; I feel so bad for her. She is going to the doctor about every two weeks and still hasn't shown any signs of improvement. This has been a problem since around August and it is now March! Thank you so much in advance! I know that you are very busy and would appreciate any advice. Thanks again,

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dear Candice: The burns that have an appearance of a cigarettes appears to be nonbullous impetigo. I don't know why they just can't simply call it cigarette butts infection! It is easier to remember. You can read the description at the links here, but still it goes back to square one - the issue is either a bacteria, a fungus, or virus. If the links is dead, just google the name :


Antibiotics that they recommend in case you are wondering is Mupirocin 2% ointment, Amoxicillin, Cefuroxime, Cephalexin, Dicloxacillin, and Erythromycin. They all seemed not to work well and amoxicillin seems to work in the past, but my own observation is it didn't work for me lately.

The condition is usually infectious and for impetigo in general occurs more often in child, usually in my opinion of fungal origin. A deep cigarettes burn may have staph like in origin and may be somewhat flesh eating.

A basic remedy to try this is a real problem since you just have to make them yourself. This is because we are fighting with basically an unknown source of microbes.

Therefore we can make some obvious assumption: it is either a flesh eating bacteria, a fungus, a virus, or a nanoinsects. Borax, hydrogen peroxide, washing soda, baking soda, zinc, magnesium, and iodine should cover all territories.

Borax handles fungus and nanoinsects best.

Hydrogen peroxide kills generally by attacking an organic forms, which kills bacteria, fungus, viruses, but never nanoinsects. It acts as a catalysts to all solutions.

Iodine is best in loosing the glue that binds the bacteria to healthy cells (autoimmunity the best), but not necessarily kill them.

Magnesium is an underappreciated antibiotics that best handles bacteria which almost as effective as a silver compounds, but a lot cheaper and has little side effects.

Zinc is effective against most viruses.

Alkalinity is one territory that antibiotic resistant and chemical resistant bacteria have an Achille's heels. Those are best handled with washing soda, potassium bicarbonate, or sodium carbonate.

A 1% hydrogen peroxide with saturated solution borax (add until they no longer dissolve). They seem to have the best overall applications for me and if you can get magnesium chloride (or epsom salt or milk of mangesia) and a couple drops of iodine to it, the chances of killing the antibiotics can kill many fold to well over 1000 different microbes which includes, viruses, bacteeria and fungus. This is a wider spectrum solution that you can use.

In case you are wondering what kinds of solutions I do here for my skin infections then it is the zinc chloride 5%, magnesium chloride 10% solution, plus a drop or two of povidone iodine. Those are mainly for viral, nanoinsects and bacterial microbes. Therefore to kill the fungus, I might add saturated borax to the mix. This one is more ideal, but relatively difficult to obtain.

The secret seems to be preventing reinfection from clothes and frequency of application, such as 10 times per day or more. No rinsing either.

Of course, I recognize the trouble of finding chemicals, which is why I opt for simpler easier to find chemicals in a local drug store stores such as milk of magnesia, epsom salt, borax, hydrogen peroxide and povidone iodine. Since I haven't visited U.S. drug stores for over 20 years, it difficult for me to recommend other ones you can find easy today. Those that I distinctly remember that they have is what I am recommending.


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We asked Candice to clarify which remedies were used...

Replied by Candice (Victorville, California) on 07/03/2007

Hello Ted! I am so sorry that I took so long to reply to your remedy. I just wanted to let you know that it work WONDERS! Within an hour she felt so much better! I can not thank you enough! Yes, impetigo is very persistant but your remedy worked 100x's better than anything that she was being perscriped. NONE..of her perscripition creams worked! Thanks again!

Replied by Candice on 07/11/2007

Okay...I double checked the email that Ted had originally send us and she made a mixture of all of the ingredients and took zinc orally in a pill form. She put it in a bowl and soaked wash cloths in it and then applied it to her irritations. It was QUITE gross! We think that she got it while vacationing in Europe last summer. I hope that this helps you for clarification.

Replied by Larry (Brighan City, Ut) on 05/27/2010

For impetigo is the proposed cure detailed by Ted above�an internal or external preparation Also, is povidone iodine internally toxic

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