Uric Acid Still High

Question by Mary (Florida) on 12/10/2007

After taking the medications for months I stopped taking medicine and I found relief from a supplement made. from Cherry and celery. My only problem is that I can not reduce the uric acid. It is still very high. Any suggestions

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

In my own experience, a uric acid can simply be reduced with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 glass of water taken three times a day plus drinking plenty of water. The water to drink should somehow be alkaline, which in one liter of water is filled with 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt to neutralize the excess acid too.

As to certain emergency cases, I sometimes add only 50 mg of lithium carbonate well shaken in one liter of water. So in a usual capsule of lithium carbonate of 250 mg, 4 liters of drinking water can be dissolved. It is well known that a Georgia Springs 100 years ago that lithium carbonate is one of the few minerals that dissolves uric acid. Another simpler option, would be for me to take 5-10 mg of lithium citrate in 1/2 glass of water every night, before sleep.

If metabolic acidosis is indicated where urine pH is very acid from excess drinking alcohol (from beer and wine), then at least for me a 300 mg of vitamin B1 is taken as well as the baking soda to further prevent the lactic acidosis, which may in turn create other acid by products that the body has difficulty getting rid of, which in this case is uric acid.

My other experience is I once had one case where this person liked coffee so much she drank something like 2 liters of coffee, which created gout and hence, coffee drinking or possibly tea should at least be avoided.

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Replied by Jean (Ajax, Ontario, Canada) on 11/08/2010

I was suffering with foot pain and swelling for over 10 yrs, no one could help, today is my birthday and my sister sent me this email... Her friend had the same pain for over 10 yrs too... "He said to tell you to ask your Doctor for a prescriotion of Colchicine. 6mg he promised you would be dancing in 2 days and that all the swelling in your feet and ankle will be gone. He says the swelling in the feet is caused by a buil-up of Uric acid, that crystalizes in the joints= gout. "

He said along with the swelling ankles feet and toes comes the strong body odour, due to liver not functioning properly, he said to tell you after you have taking the pills for a little while and you start feeling to great, to start taking natural stuff and stop taking the pills. For example he takes the juice of 2 freshly squeezed limes everyday, then he eats 1/2 to 1 of the rind and skin of a lime pulvurized in the blender and consumes it added to some sort of juice daily, this is to neutralize yur bodies ph.
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