Ted's Remedies

Question by M. (USA) on 10/16/2009

Re: possible hyperparathyroid

Dear Ted, Thank you for taking the time to help address our health issues. Three years ago I came down with a severe flu like illness, and was never the same. The fever went away, but I could not sleep well anymore. I would go to sleep at about 9 but would get up in the early morning (3) and not be able to go back to sleep. I would wake up with a pounding heart and at times drenched in sweat. If I stayed in bed, I would sleep again at 6 and did not feel like getting up until about 8. If I skipped this nap, I would be groggy all day. Also, I experienced vertigo and a bone tiredness that made it dangerous for me to drive. I would struggle to drive. Three years later, since I am vegan, I am better but I still cannot sleep and have recurring neck and spinal pain, and wonder if it is liver/kidney related (since I get up at 3). I don't think it is ammonia build up, since I still cannot sleep even if I take ornithine. Sleep herbs leave me groggy all day and I am still finding it hard to function. If it is parathyroid problem, what could I do about it I find it very hard to work and study.

Would really appreciate your input.

Thanks, M.


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 10/21/2009

Dear M: The saliva pH is something I would measure first. The pH should be 7 to 7.3. If it is not, it's likely that the parathyroid/thyroid is low in iodine. The low levels comes from eating white flour products and bread, which contains bromine and it kicks out iodine. The other pH is the urine pH, which should be pH 6.5 to 7, if it is below, this also indicates low bicarbonates and taking baking soda or sodium citrate will get to normal levels. The iodine I will take is lugol's solution 1-2 drops a day plus vitamin C 500-1500 mg a day, sodium ascorbate, not calcium ascorbate. The potassium citrate, or potassium bicarbonate I used is 1/4 teaspoon a day plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda. Magnesium chloride or magnesium citrate taken on an empty stomach should relieve most of the pain from the back area is my experience. It takes about 3 days to get the pain out, but the dose is around 250-500 mg. a day. The bone tiredness is one of the indicators I used to gauge magnesium deficiency. Boron may also help some of the tiredness, as well as vitamin C. The boron I used is borax, but is taken only 3 days at 1/8 teaspoon in a liter of drinking water taken over the course of the day.

As to the lack of sleep, lugol's solution and baking soda and potassium should relieve most of the problems. I would however avoid fluoridated toothpaste since it accumulates in the pineal gland, disturbing the circadium rhythm and caused sleeplessness. The acid brain issue, should be alkalized with plenty of baking soda and potassium, as well as 1-2 drops of lugols in a cup of warm water taken in early evening along with vitamin c.


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Replied by Pat (Jupiter, Florida) on 11/05/2009

Ted, I have been battling insomnia for over 15 yrs more specifically with not falling asleep. I just don't get those groggy hormones that allow us to get tired and doze off. I thought it may be psychological and tried tradition medicine with anti-dep / anti-anxity various combinations and nothing has worked so I went off those things after trying years ago. I heard chronic stress can cause thyroid issues or thyroid imbalances can cause insomnia. It's difficult to tell where it is coming from physiological or psychological (stress)

Anyway my thyroid panel was such: TSH barely normal(low reading), T3 abnormal (low) T4 normal, Resverse T3 Barely normal (Very High), TPO Antibodies normal.

Graves indicate low TSH with high T3 and T4. I have the low TSH but not the high T3,T4. So I guess I'm clear on that. Hypothyroid is not indicated because TSH should be High. I do know that I'm not converting the T4 to T3 suffiently becasue of the low T3. The test said that Selenium deficiency can cause this or chronic stress or low cal restriction diet. I do have the body stress from not sleeping and take selenium daily. I tried accupuncture, 5 HTP, Magnesium, valerian, Fish oil and hypnosis with no results. I'm doing the borax mix and sea salt in 1 Ltr of water thinking could be fluoride issue with pineal or thyroid. I read about your suggestion with hyperthyroid and insomnia and you mentioned in the first paragraph using sodium citrate in one sentence then later using potassium citrate or potassium bicarbonate. Is this a typo with one of these substances I'm also going to try the acid brain mixture you mentioned on the site.

Note: I did experience lots of stress when the insomnia started. I did also experience a bizarre nightmare that woke me up with a panic attack where insomnia seemed to have started immediately following that.


Replied by Elaine (Edmond, Oklahoma City) on 08/12/2010

Hyperparathyroidism - Six years ago I had a flu-like virus too. I began havng weird heart beats (premature ventricular contractions or extra heart beats), trouble sleeping and just didn't feel right or good. I couldn't get any satisfaction from my doctor. After giving me high blood pressure medications that put in a fetal position, he dropped the ball on me and didn't seem interested in helping me. When you have HPT your body needs calcium and will strip it from your bones. High blood pressure meds block calcium which made my condition worse. I later got back pain and it was discovered I had kidney stones. I thought, Aha, this is my problem. I was telling a friend that I was spending my Spring Break having lithotripsy to destroy the stones. I told her about my other symptoms and she said this sounded like her sister. Her sister had had hyperparathyroid disease. In her case she had a tumor on one of her parathyroid glands. The doctor removed it and she was cured. Hers was Primary hyperthyroidsim. Mine is secondary hpt, this is when you have a vitamin D deficiency. Long story short I now have to take 8, 000 units of vitamin D daily for the rest of my life. My body does not absorb it well. I was 47 at the time. Sometimes only 15 minutes of sunlight daily will help. But, this is only in the summer months. The rest of the year you must take supplements. Also you need to take calcium supplements to prevent the recurrence of kidney stones if that makes sense. I highly advise anyone to have their doctor test not only their PTH (parathyroid hormones) but also their vitamin D levels before undertaking any self supplementation. Too little won't help and too much is toxic.
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Replied by Angelina (Kenosha, Wi) on 04/06/2011

Respectfully, I think you might be mistaken about your own assessment of your condition being secondary in relation to your low vitamin D levels.

Please go to www.parathyroid.com to address this major misconception (even within the medical community) about low levels of vitamin D and a possibly misdiagnosis for PRIMARY hyperparathyroidism. This site is extremely informative about all aspects of the parathyroid glands in general as well and how they affect the body when they are not functioning properly. You will be amazed!

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