Question by Anonymous (Anon) on 06/27/2011

Hi Ted, a good friend of my family has breast cancer. It's estrogen driven and if has spread. She had a double mastectomy and has been doing chemotherapy treatments regularly. She's been fighting it for some time now. But just can't seem to kick it. Lately I see her and she really dosnt look good. Her skin just looks very pale and deadly. A while back I was reading up on a cancer tea, sir Jason winters tea, (have you heard of it , any feedback ) but that didn't seem to help. I don't really know if she's been using it regularly, I know her doctor told her not to. She's a mother of 3 boys and the most wonderful kind hearted woman you could ever meet. I'm really afraid that if we don't act fast it could end up being too late. Personally, I have read terrible things about chemotherapy and sent her an article about it, but she still continues on it. And rightfully so, I'm not a doctor so I really don't know what helps. But I do believe in natural medicine and that theres a natural cure for everything. Please help her, anything at all that you can do would be amazing.


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/27/2011

I don't know if you read my postings. The common cause for all cancers is diabetes. The blood sugar must be 80 to 90 mg/dL. I have more success in people with no options then people with options because they will have a choice. Usually that choice is a wrong one, 3% success. Also have greater success with dogs, since they don't eat fruits (fructose), and other sugary foods.

The sugar thing is extremely important, they found that those people who die of cancer that's 97% of the population (20,000 people in the study died) had blood sugar over 90 mg/dL. So you can say, if your blood sugar is below 90 mg/dL you have a 97% success rates compared to at most 5% success of chemotherapy. In a survey a majority of Oncologist would not do chemo themselves if they had cancer. I had one patient who I had difficulty contacting, never had blood sugar below 125 mg/ dL, but when I make certains rules the blood sugar was 85 mg/dL within 3 weeks. The following is a must rule, I don't care if you use chemo or not the rules are the same:

1. No fruits. Fruit extract is fine, if all sugar is removed) The contain the worse of the sugar, fructose. There is one sugar worse than that it is Ribose, but that's getting to technical.
2. So sugar in drinks, coffee,
3. No equal, no sucralose, no artificial sugar they are the worse.
4. No carbohydrates.

That's my only restriction that you can't break. So stop cancer, I doubt they will follow them is to do this for at least 3 days. If they can't keep a promise of three day rule, it's downhill, but here it is:

1. Lysine 1/3 teaspoon (this is a small dose!)
2. Threonine 1/6 teaspoon
3. N acetyl Cysteine 1/8 teaspoon

This is taken at least hourly dose for 4 hours in the morning and 4 hours in the evening. You do this for at least 3 days. By the third day the patient will be improving. The first and second day, the immune system will wage war of the small cancer and the patient may experience some temperature increase, the best to control temperature increase (if you want) is the aspirin 500 mg dissolved in a cup of water and taken only hourly for 3 doses. That will get it under control.

If the person refuses to do the above, and don't want to try, or just want to try one thing, will there is always lime juice (with the peels) take it 4 times a day. It takes longer of course to do this, but there will be gradual improvement in a week. The lime contains two substances anti cancer, vitamin C and citric acid. The peels contain d-limonene, and they do have supplements for that.

Good luck convincing them, that's the most difficult part!

Replied by anonymous on 08/03/2011

hey ted I forwarded this info to her and she sent this back to me..... I dont mean to be a pain but if at all possible she does have a few questions if you can answer them it would be wonderful. thanks so much ...

And I did my research on the three items that were suggested and have no problem taking what Ted suggested.
But I know for a fact that my oncologist will not talk to me about these and so I would be doing this on my own. Can I ask a few questions that you can forward to him or if you wouldnt mind asking him for me. I have been and will stay away from sugar ...use honey in my coffee and hot tea is this acceptable I need a blood test later this week I can have them check my sugar and see where it stands.

I have gained weight being off chemo for the last five months and also with staying home, I have been for the past two weeks on a low carb diet ..is this okay to stay on and I will eliminate more carbs if need be. Basically doing Atkins diet find alot of success with this diet if done properly.
I do take alot of vitamins and some herbs will these effects the lysine mix
How many days do I take this mixture ...is it so many days off so many days on
I am sorry for all the questions but like I said before I will be doing this on my own with no help from any medical source and I do totally believe in natural cures and positive thinking which I think combined with eating and vitamins have helped me to fight this horrible cancer.
Thanks for your help.


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 08/03/2011

I have been and will stay away from sugar ...use honey in my coffee and hot tea is this acceptable
Generally no. There is two test before meals and after meals. Before meals blood sugar don't exceed 90 mg/dL and after meals blood sugar do not exceed 100 mg/dL.

I have been for the past two weeks on a low carb diet ..is this okay to stay on and I will eliminate more carbs if need be. Basically doing Atkins diet find alot of success with this diet if done properly.

The meats should be raw or partially cooked is best. Depending on seriousness of cancer. The blood sugar will tell how much to avoid. Most simple sugar is out, and that includes honey, it contains fructose.

I do take alot of vitamins and some herbs will these effects the lysine mix
Yes the effects are synergistic, but do not take too much B1, the cause cancer if in excess.

How many days do I take this mixture ...is it so many days off so many days on
No days off.

Too much phosphorus found in meats causes cancer in a serious cancer case, no, but once you recovered yes you can eat, but it must be not too much and only for reason of weight gain and recovering from cancer.



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