Strange Rash Along Spine

Question by Anonymous on 04/11/2011

Hi Ted,

Thank you for your amazing contribution. I've learned so much by reading the information on Earthclinic.

Anyhow I'm writing about I have a strange rash on my back I've taken a picture to show you it is like long red marks along my spine. No bumps or real itching, but feels hot and uncomfortable a slight stinging feeling. I've been putting apple cider vinegar on it. I'm 45 year old female vegetarian. I've had two nose plastic surgery in my life 20's due to an injury I suffered from when I was child. I have no stress, I live in a calm environment.

For the last four years I've been I suffering from severe dry eyes,. My ophthalmologist put tear duct plugs in, but that has not helped, My dry eyes are worst at night when I'm sleeping which I used Vaseline in my eyes or refresh drops in my eyes. I also have dry itchy skin sometimes it feels like something is crawling or stinging me under my skin at times. I have to use sesame oil on my entire body in order to get some relief from the itching feeling . I've been alkalizing, but I'm not really sure If I'm seeing any results as of yet.

I was diagnosed with severe anemia, which I take black strap molasses for the anemia and it appears to be better, although during my period I feel beyond exhausted. I was told I'm blood deficient and with too much heat in my body so I just started taking chinese herbs to get my blood going and to release heat ouf of my body I started that about two weeks ago. That was about the same time I started have hot flashes in the night time when I sleep so I started to sleep with the window open, My periods are heavy and I have a period every 22-23 days. I will also have migraines during my period or when I'm getting closer to my period . I take Butterbur extract for it and it works. I would appreciate any insights you may have. Namaste


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/03/2011

It appears you have a severe fungus infection that is in your blood. The fungus if it gets in the blood, you get severe anemia because fungus primary food source is iron, which comes from blood. It causes heat. Tannic acid will help which is 1/8 teaspoon dissolved in 500 cc of water taken twice a day. It will slowly elminate the fungus in the blood. Fulvic acid is another one that will get fungus out, it is taken 1/16 teaspoon twice a day. Bentonite clay is applied throughout the body to detox the toxic chemical buildup and lessen the severity of skin problem. To prepare you can make your own bentonite clay with water, and apply in the back area but throughout body. You can dry the entire body and then you rinse. Repeat that three times and do it twice daily. I think that should eliminate of the problem. There is another remedy, you can do also after bentonite is apply, magnesium chloride. You prepare a solution just enough for it to dissolve. You apply the entire body do that a couple of times. The above remedy I did on several of patients and it disappeared in a week.But as life goes, everybody is different so it might be successful for you. The magnesium allows the toxicity to be reduced the bentonite clay sucks the toxins out. If you need any oils, I used aloe vera oil applied only twice a week.

Again sorry but during that time I have concussions throughout that month and I improved later and I am catching up with some old emails.


Replied by Anonymous (San Jose, Ca) on 04/05/2013

I'd get checked for gluten intolerance too. Afterall, what caused you to get a blood infection/fungus Get to the root cause. Get tested for gliadin IgA, IgE, IgM, T cells, and Immune Complexes.

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