Quit the Pill After 22 Years, Not Getting Period Yet

Question by DJ (Pdx, Or) on 05/20/2009

I recently quit taking birth control. I have been on it for 22 years. Out of those 22 yrs 10 of them I took the pill all the time and no placebo, except for twice a year, due to medical issues that emerged when I took the placebo.

It has now been a week and a half and no menstrual period. I started using progestone (sp) cream on monday to try to kick start my period. Nothing so far but I am feeling shaky, I am having anxiety, lots of gas and all just all around crummy feeling.

Not having stopped this medication before would you happen to know if these symptoms are normal and approximately how long it will take to "snap" out of it And what can I do in the mean time to alleviate the symptoms. I am already drinking ACV w/ 1/4 tsp baking soda and oil pulling along with the cream.


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/28/2009

Dear Dana:

What hormones does to the body is it stops body's own hormone from functioning. Usually adrenal glands is the issue that gets shut down whenever a large amounts of hormones is detected by the body and hence menstrual period is not within its cycle. This is a frequent problems I have seen, what has helped the most and I have tried different ways of getting around the problem, has to do with blood sugar that seems to be one of the factors besides excessive hormone use. A long term hormone use can lead to glandular atrophy where the body's own glands are non functional due to a long term shut down, such as long term use of estrogen and the body becomes dependent on external sources of hormones.

The alkalization remedy however requires more than average baking soda in order to efficiently utilize the hormones. Hormones don't function well whenever the body is acidic, the body has high sugar, or the body has high calcification which blocks glandular functions. There are some minerals I found important that comes out of the blue, such as tin supplement, but I am really doubtful that there is such as supplements sold. The form I used is tin chloride at 5 mg taken only three days out of a week for only two or three weeks. Which deals with adrenal insuffiicency caused by a suspected tin deficiency of course, but it was somehow tied to irregular menstrual period, but also relates to hair loss and depression.

Blood sugar instability that leads either to hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia is another issue that causes the ovary functions to not work normally and long term menstrual issues from estrogen, but also fibrocystic disease, polycystic ovarian symdrome directly relates more to blood sugar instability that disturbs glandular functions. How blood sugar disturbs is rather simple, they lead to glandular atrophy as the body has produces too high and too low insulin whenever blood sugar goes too high and too low, leading to organ damages as well as immune disorder, leading to an autoimmunity where the body "attacks" itself, but for me I view this to be opportunistic fungus and bacteria in nature as they take advantage of extra blood sugar that suppliy them the needed growth, leading the white blood cells to attack itself whenever virus or fungus attaches to body's organs, such as ovaries, adrenal glands, thymus glands and thyroid glands.

How alkalization and more normal blood sugar helps is that it reduces ovaries from hardening itself by simply reducing calcification as lower blood sugar leads to reduce calcium solubility coming from the bones, but also less acidic blood obviously makes theme less soluble also, leading to reduced calcium in the blood sugar. Unfortunately I have to decalcify these ovary organs, since for some reason or another people on estrogen also have a condition as thickenened blood where blood flow is restricted from excessive calcium. Remember that calcium is a factor in blood clotting and excessive levels leads to thickened blood and restricted flows, besides their calcification of arteries as in arteriosclerosis. A long term autoimmunity leads to fibrocysis of the ovaries too. The major remedy I found to reverse this is again to normalize the blood sugar, and some iodine supplements help, but not as dramatic.Reduced calcification helps with disodium EDTA, or even tetra Sodium EDTA, which is an alkaline form as opposed to the disodium EDTA. There is a big problem with EDTA being marketed since most are sold as Calcium EDTA, which does chelate heavy metals, but it increases the body's calcium, which I don't need. This is why either disodium EDTA or tetra sodium EDTA was used. The dose again I used is often 1/10 of what they used commercially, where they use around 250 mg. I used around 10-25 mg of disodium EDTA, and I also neutralize it's acidity with a baking soda as disodium is somewhat acidic, such as 1/8 teaspoon of that in a 1/2 glass to 1 glass of warm water. If measuring 25 mg is difficult, I used roughly 1/20 or 1/16 of a teaspoon of tetraSodium EDTA or disodium EDTA before adding 1/8 teaspoon of it, once or twice a day and varicose veins and veins on head should reduce, which is one measure I look at, noninvasively to test the thickness of the blood.

The thicknoess of the blood should be reduced and therefore protein supplements should not be taken too much if they need be and should be reduced, as it thickens the blood. If you see pictures of muscle builders with bulging blood vessels, this is not a healthy sign as it restricts blood flow. Which is why weight lifters and body builders have heart attacks. Blood flow thickness can be monitor by looking at varicose veins which reduces within 30 minutes after taking the disodium EDTA or tetra Sodium EDTA, but not the calcium EDTA. When calcification is removed, the ovaries and related organs can function normally.

The other is normalizing blood sugar. Two of the most common ones I used is 1000-1500 mcg of chromium supplements. If a chromium supplements costs too much I sometimes used chromium chloride, which works the same, since hospitals actually even I.V. chromium chloride in a diabetic patients also. Most stores however will seel chromium polynicotinate or chromium picolinate or chelated chromium is fine too. The other one I used is granulated lecithin, to normalize blood sugar by removing congestions of the liver and other organs with a known fat emulsifiers. It is well known that fats and excessive oils block normal hormone signals and this is where lecithin comes in. The dose I used is 1 tablespoon of granulated lecithin at least once a day. Exposure to hydrocarbons, such as transderma absorption of thinner, gasoline, or living in a house near diesel fumes leads to diabetes as these tend to kill the nerve cells signalling, much like methanol poisoning killing the pancreas also. The body can't remove it by itself but it can be helped with a fat emulsifier. Interestingly alkalization removes it also.

The dose of alkalization is a bit stronger for people with a problem menstrual cycle and it is 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar plus 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda twice a day. I have found in a few instances that taking this leads to a more normal menstrual cycle, but sometimes excessive use, leads to too frequent menstrual cycle, only initially as the ovaries are unstable and needs recovery also because to the damage left by calcification and fibrocysis, later it will be normalized. It increase normal turnover. To allow the ovaries to heal otherwise, it lead to too frequent cycle is the vitamin C. The dose is only 250 mg to 500 mg of sodium ascorbate.

If excessive EDTA were taken, in the form of Disodium EDTA or tetrasodium EDTS, it leads to excessive menstruation only initially from damage ovaries that is currently trying to heal also. Therefore it helps that a low dose is taken, however people tend to be over enthusiastic and take way over the dose I used and therefore an antidote is needed, which simply is just one vitamin K that usually stops excessive menstruation. Certain woman menstruate excessively and doctors rarely recommend vitamin K, as if it doesn't exist. However I found vitamin K to be the best against excessive mensturation.

Finally I may also use a known calcium antagonist, such as magnesium to neutralize the problem calcium. The preferred magnesium I used is magnesium chloride, 500 mg taken once a day, dissolved in a warm cup of water. Potassium also is needed to restore the cellular electrolyte imbalance, but I also use this to reduce autoimmunity. The potassium's use against autoimmunity is a long one so I just say we used to normalize the electrolyte anyway. The preferred potassium is potassium citrate (technical name is tripotassium citrate) at 1/8 teaspoon twice a day that can be added to the baking soda and apple cider vinegar remedy also. Vitamin E is another one that restore hormonal imbalance, as well as 1/8 teaspoon of borax in one liter of drinking water, taken perhaps once or twice a week will usually normalize most hormones, but borax (boron) is also well known in normalizing calcum and magnesium ratios to normal too.



Replied by DJ (Pdx, Or) on 05/28/2009

Hi Ted,

I know you hear this all the time but thank you for taking time out of your day to respond to my email. i know you are a very busy person. And being so busy let me get right to my next question. You mentioned regulating blood sugar. I am under the impression that cinnamon works really well for that. What would be your opinion

Also what is your opinion on kelp supplements for thyroid regulation And does the apple cider vinegar adversely effect supplements


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/28/2009

Cinnamon helps in regulating blood sugar, but its result is limited if a person has a known mineral deficiency such as the chromium. Therefore take both helps, but chromium is most important since is an essential mineral.

Also what is your opinion on kelp supplements for thyroid regulation And does the apple cider vinegar adversely effect supplements Chlorination and fluoridation adversely affects iodine by displacing the iodine as they are halogen and competes with the thyroid and the body excretes the iodine. MMS or sodium chlorite also displaces iodine and chlorine dioxide from resulting mix turns them into elemental iodine, but is helpful in killing off bacteria and viruses at the same time. So exposure of chlorine and fluoridated water is most common and precautionary sodium thiosulfate to neutralize chlorine and borax to neutralize fluoridation appears better in maintaining iodine status. Bromination process is white bread, also a halogen caused the excretion of iodine from the body. In the old days they used to bleached white bread with iodine, but the switchover to bromine caused iodine deficiency despite "adequate" iodine intake.

The issue appears not the apple cider vinegar causing a deficiency as there are hardly any halogens in there (bromine, fluorine) compared to a person absorbing large amounts of chlorine during a shower, which is absorbed transdermally.


Replied by DJ (Pdx, Or) on 05/28/2009

Hi Ted,

You mentioned the bodies glands shutting down due to hormonal use. I was advised to use progestrone(sp).

If I understand all the information you sent I should stop all hormones and try to decalcify my ovaries, restart my glands and regulate my blood sugar by doing the following;

5 mg tin chloride if I can find it for two weeks

Disodium EDTA or tetra Sodium EDTA 10-25 mg w/ 1/8 tsp baking soda in warm
water once or twice a week
1000-1500 chromium
1 tsp lecithin daily
500 mg magnesium
1/8 tsp potassium citrate

Thank you for clarifying your instructions. I am a bread and butter girl as far as nutritional knowledge goes and you are by far champaign...



Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 05/28/2009

Progesterone or any hormones is used only for emergencies. Certain hormones they added something which prevents a sudden stoppage of hormonal use and gradual reduction instead. The things they add appears to suppress adrenal functions, often found in estrogen products such as Diane-35 which contains cypoterone. A short term use can quit cold turkey but a long term requires gradual reductions by 1/2 dose each day until none is taken, is one possible method that was used.


Replied by Cindy (Toledo, Ohio) on 02/05/2012

DJ from Pdx, Did Ted's remedy work for you Were you able to regulate your periods. I have the same problem. I am 45 years old and stopped taking birth control pills 2 years ago and still no period.




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