Olive Oil and Lemon Juice

Question by Victoria (Baltimore, MD) on 10/25/2006

i took the dose or 2 ounces each olive oil and lemon juice and with half an hour the pain was gone.... i don't know if the stone passed or broke up but the pain stopped entirely!! will know if the stone is gone when i go for my check up but thank gad THE PAIN STOPPED and i have had no recurrence since!

Since i came upon this site and had this remedy work i plan on trying a few others to help deal with conditions caused by chronic Lyme's disease.. i didn't notice a section on remedies for that kind of thing.... and would love to see some if anyone knows any.. I've been suffering from chronic lymes disease for 5 years with little to no relief and its a struggle... i will let you know how the remedies i try for the symptoms such as arthritis, chronic fatigue, phantom pains (the neurological side of this thing) etc etc..... work out for me.


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dear Victoria: Lyme disease is commonly spread by insects, carriers of these insects include deer and other wild life. However, the major spread of lyme disease is usually birds being major carriers of lyme disease that can go across continents. I remember one person who caught lyme after cleaning pigeon nests.

Assuming your case of lyme disease is one of bacteria of spirochetes or any other ticks or insects under the skin, then application of between 1%-3% hydrogen peroxide solution mixed in a saturated solution of borax should do the job.

Always start with just 1%. I am assuming the spirochetes causing lyme is anaerobic. If it is aerobic, then the borax will kill them anyway. The hydrogen peroxide becomes the penetrant.

The trick is to apply them with enough frequency necessary to effect a killing, this means at interval of say, 2 hours and repeat as often until you know there is a major improvement. For me anytime a strange virus enters my system I will apply at a more frequency of every 15 minutes and do it for at least 5 or 6 times before it is all gone. Since I have no way of knowing anyone's condition, you just have to determine this yourself.

Keep a healthy skepticism of this treatment and apply to a small area where the lyme problem on the skin occurs. If it works you after applying for 30 minutes with enough intervals, you can try a larger area. If it doesn't work complain to earthclinic, and I will have to find other remedies instead.

The theory of is simple. The hydrogen peroxide will penetrate the skin and the borax will do the killing and hydrogen peroxide will also oxidize the spirochetes too.

Certain salts added might also aid the killing, such as adding 2% zinc chloride and 2% magnesium chloride will also help in case the first option is too weak.

Both salts have antibiotics potential. However they will NOT work if you do not use the hydrogen peroxide!

It is the zinc chloride which will do most of the killing, but magnesium do have some antibiotic potential as well and give me some favorable surprises too.

In one case, if it is not of lyme, but of certain fungus, such as mycoplasma, then hydrogen peroxide alone 3% should do the job, albeit a bit slowly like only a 30% reduction if done only twice day. However the application may require at least 4 times a day or more to work better.

If a hydrogen peroxide is unavailable, then a weak copper sulfate 2% or copper chloride 2% is used alone, plus vinegar can be used as an alternative treatment.

Of course you should rinse with water after that. Most of the skin irritation should be stopped within a couple of minutes. Do not leave it long otherwise the copper solution will cause a bit of a mild stinging. Two of my friends liked it so much they left it on without the rinse. I can't stand the copper smell however so I had to rinse it. I wouldn't try the copper option unless I have the hydrogen peroxide and borax anyway. Copper solutions do not work well together with hydrogen peroxide, as both will react with each other neutralizing themselves.

The method of application is simple, whichever way you choose. You can use a small towel to apply it or a cotton bud. The reason why I chose 1%-3% hydrogen peroxide is simple. When we apply the solution, the hydrogen peroxide have a tendency to get neutralized during application. But in any case it is best to experiment in certain small areas of the skin and apply with enough frequency, should penetrate the skin.

If all else fails, then just apply a 50% 50% solution of pure lavender oil plus tea tree oil. Spirochetes also dies in that instance too.

The methodology of killing is external, but hydrogen peroxide will go trans dermal and do further killing of spirochetes with frequency of application.

If it DOES work on your skin, then drinking water with 6 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide per glass of water plus some sodium citrate (1/4 teaspoon baking soda + 1/4 citric acid plus 1/2 glass of water) will further kill it. Citrates is a unique chemical in which it has some antibiotic potential as well as causing the body to alkalize at the same time allowing the body to easily kill off the invading bacteria. Another solution that may work also is one whole freshly squeezed lemon juice plus keep adding baking soda at 1/4 teaspoon interval until the fizz stop and add water to 1/2 glass taken maybe three times a day to kill of the invading bacteria.

There are other remedies, but just try these first and see how it works for you. At least this remedy has worked well for mange, but it was originally developed to cure my own skin problems similar to lyme, which was Morgellons disease. I was cured in a day, so I guess I was just lucky I recognized the problem early on. Talking about Morgellons disease, you may need to spray your bed with orange oil or borax solution to kill whatever insects hiding to prevent it from spreading around the house. Tannic acid solution works in case the others don't. At least the tannic acid will denature the eggs anyway, especially in the carpet or rugs.


Replied by Ateamama (Denver, Co) on 08/17/2013

Would this all be safe for a pregnant or nursing mommy Thank you!

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