Ted's Remedies

Question by Nick (Usa) on 06/03/2010

Hi Ted,

My wife with rheumatoid arthritis has done and extensive blood (I think) allergy test and it turns out she is allergic to apples. We are strong believers in apple cider vinegar. Is there any other option for her

Thank you.


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/05/2010

Dear Nick:

We can make a crude substitute of a apple cider vinegar, but not a perfect one. A major component of the apple cider vinegar is the vinegar (distilled vinegar) and malic acid, perhaps some vitamin C, to get a similar antioxidant figures. To get a minerals component reconstituted, a sea salt can be added. An apple cider vinegar recipe (a rough version) is as follows:

1. 1 cup Distilled Vinegar
2. 1/4 teaspoon of malic acid powder
3. 1/8 teaspoon of sea salt
4. 1000 mg of pure ascorbic acid

While this may not have all the component of apple cider vinegar, its chemical properties is similar while obviously it may lack some probiotic benefits of the malic acid, we cqn perhaps add one probiotics capsule into the mixture.The reason why this kept separate from the above menu, the probiotics is that in a few instances, people may be allergic to certain probiotics. The enzymes and probiotic and enzyme is a common overlook features in the apple cider vinegar.


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