Melanoma with Secondary Lymphoma and Bone Cancer

Question by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 07/02/2010

Hi Ted,

I have a good friend living nearby who runs a small hotel and I've just learned that he has fast cancer whose characteristics are as follows:

*He had a large growth on his back which was removed which at the time was deemed benign. This was re-diagnosed later as melanoma.

*Then he developed two more growths at different times under his armpits which were cancer lymphoma. Both were operated on and the many growths were removed.

*He had a small cancer growth at the back of his neck which was killed by radiation therapy.

*Now he has bone cancer as well and is in great pain.

*The good news is that the cancer has not reached his organs yet.

*This is a metastased cancer at Stage 3.

*His appetite is good now, although he was bad after the chemo, radiation and surgery.

*My friend is going to Hong Kong for more assessment and treatment in 2 days and he will return in about 3 weeks, probably much worse for wear sao I must be ready to help him.

To save space -- please read my attachment on this email - TedsCancerRemedies.pdf -- which will more or less define how I will be treating his cancers.

I have never treated a metastased multiple cancer before, so I really need to know what I should be emphasizing in his treatment, and your help would be wonderfully appreciated.

Here is what I intend to do:

*Use BHT and Azoxystrobin to stop the metastasis, stop the cancer spreading. Trouble is that these are impossible to purchase in the Philippines where I live. I'll have to order them on the internet. Are there any other ways to successfully neutralize the cancer toxins and stop the viral cancer from spreading

*Use your Vitamin C/Lysine and theonine or aspirin as the main protocol. Funnily enough Lysine is easy to purchase here and is not expensive.

*Use lugols iodine(50mg+ split doses per day) as the primary antihistamine since tannic acid is so difficult to purchase here. I haven't tried to purchase Quercetin yet.

*Use MgCL, H202 therapies daily as you recommend.

*Methylene Blue for additional ant-cancer therapy and particularly for energy.

*Hydrochloric Acid, B50 and protease enzymes to stimulate and maintain appetite. There is no Hydrochloric acid in the Philippines, I've tried to find it. But can I use Muriatic Acid or Betaine Hydrochloride instead These are easily obtainable here.

*I'm holding off using the Alkalizing remedies that you recommend, because you have said that using these remedies could cause cachexia in Stage 4(he may be in Stage 4 soon). Any safer alternatives

*I was also going to also recommend dessicated liver tablets on a daily basis to supply all the vitamins, minerals amino acids etc for his body.

I confess I find the prospect of trying to help my friend very daunting, but I will do it if he wants me to and so any recommendations or advice from yourself would be very greatly appreciated.

With much grateful thanks in advance,

Bill from San Fernando


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/02/2010

Dear Bill:

While it is difficult to get them in Philippines, it is easily acquired in Thailand. In any case, I have to note that the most common ways to spread a cancer is actually done through radiation treatment or chemotherapy, especially radiation, which tends to promote bone cancer. Bone cancer is a tough one, it requires heavy doses of lysine and threonine for an entire week such as for 16 hours hourly dose, and you take more such as 4000 mg before you sleep.

As far as where alkalizing remedies apply in stage 3 and stage 4, is that the stage 3 is possible to do so, but if it is taken, it is taken only after meals, in form of baking soda and potassium bicarbonate. I am also assuming that HCl and or digestive enzyme is taken during meals when this is done.

For pain, it maybe possible that MSM is helpful there, by oxygenating those bone cancer and may convert a few into non metastatic cancer using this. Although BHT is a classic remedy I used.

One other possible substitute for tannic acid is mangosteen husk extract. The husk can be prepared by chopping them into pieces and then extract them with either alcohol, which is later removed by vacuum distillation. DMSO can also be extracted, and we use the DMSO solution as a dose, such as 1/2 to 1 teaspoon dose.

These have similar properties in drying up the N Acetyl Neuraminic acid that protects cancer. To digest the cancer fibrin, we use bromelain enzymes taken on an empty stomach. I usually mixed them with glycine as the dispersing agent, and besides, glycine has some anti cancer properties also. The bromelain enzymes is prepared at 20% concentration.


07/02/2010: Ted replies, "Further research: I have found that the reason why cancer spreads so quickly is they are viral in nature. But the reason why we don't get fever when we have a virus infection is that the our body or white blood cells simply cannot see them. To make them see through these stealth viral cancer is through lysine/threonine and a powerful tannic acid. Aspirin dissolves viral cancer. If aspirin is used and no bleeding problem, most viral cancer can be tamed (not eliminated) within 4-6 hours. The dose is 500 mg dissolved in 1/4 cup of water, taken hourly for 4 hours. Do not EXCEED the one hour dose, because aspirin's effect in dissolving the virus is effective for only 34-45 minutes. The hourly dose is convenient, but to miss it you may need to add 2 more hourly dose.

The remedy protocol here that's unusual from the rest of the alternative community is you don't need to do coffee enemas (they are sometimes effective, but for me is generally not so good). The key is to use a digestive enzyme, bromelain and HCl as a way to digest the cancer cells taken during meals and after meals. As for a suitable substitute for hydrochloric acid, betaine HCl would do ok, but the dose may be around 1/2 to 1 teaspoon, per dose in a 1/2 cup of warm water.

One minor note: to make a cancer become metastasis is easy. Subject them to radiation and chemo. They will run away, just like spraying cockroaches in holes and they will go all over the place. This happens far too many times therefore is worth mentioning this observation.

Tannic acid are generally easily acquired, and very effective in cancer remedies. The other is the lysine/threonine. H2O2 is the third one I find them most valuable. A substitute for tannic acid, although not as great, is a green tea extract POWDER. This maybe easier to acquire in other countries.



Replied by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 07/24/2010

Hi Everyone. . . As promised, here is a further update on my friend's cancer and what we are doing about it. There has been much confusion by the doctors on how it started -- But I believe that it wasn't lymphoma but was originally a bone cancer that started on his backbone and spread to his lymph glands causing secondary lymphoma cancer.

After he had had a few 'expensive' X-ray pictures taken of his body and further radiation therapy, my friend was simply given aspirin and Panadol and sent on his way home by the doctor's in Hong Kong. Such Hippocratic dedication is truly disappointing. It is notable, regarding cancer and metastasis, that the medical fraternity has nothing whatsoever in its meager medical arsenal that can defeat any cancer once it has metastased and spread virally. The exact figures(which took some finding believe me) for cancers being cured 5 years after metastasis and even after remission are about 2-3%. They simply have no drugs or procedures that can cope with cancer metastasis.

Other symptoms that I also had to take careful account of were my cancer friend's other problems. The doctor's told him that he had had about ten tiny heart attacks or strokes in his head, causing loss of feeling, drooping, loss of motor use on one side of his body for short periods. I have incorporated certain other things into the therapy to help his heart -- not least being the megadose Lysine/Vitamin C which, according to Linus Pauling's exact same therapy, should clear his heart problems gently but quickly over time. Also, one of the side-effects of the Panadol has been constipation.

Anyway, the purpose of this post is simply to broadcast exactly what I'm doing to help stop and defeat these post-metastased cancers(4 of them, on his ribs, near the backbone) in my friend's body. I have to admit that my friend with cancer was unable to purchase either Azoxystrobin or BHT in Hong kong, so I had to adapt, relying now only on high dose Lysine, Vitamin C(Ascorbate form) and Protease Enzymes for the main assault on the cancer and Essiac tablets which provide the Tannic Acid to decloak the cancer, halt cancer growth, prevent angiogenesis etc. To this effect, and to help other people, I have written up a daily protocol(which my cancer friend is following now) in simple table format and I have put it in a shared folder on Google Docs that anyone can have a look at. Here is the link:

Bill's Daily Cancer Protocol Schedule


And just to be clear, ALL the protocols that I use in this therapy are based on Ted from Bangkok's protocols. I must also add a huge thanks to Ted from Bangkok who has so generously and patiently answered every question that I have asked him through emails. The only deviation from his therapy is the Essiac tablets -- since I couldn't get the Tannic Acid -- so Ellagic acid will have to do. I will only have 3 weeks before my friend goes back to the expensive Hong Kong doctors, so this is why the protocol I've used is quite aggressive.

After we discussed the protocol last Friday, my cancer friend started just the Lysine and Vitamin C megadoses yesterday and today he is laid up in bed with a slight fever, which I am happy about -- this means his immune system now actually sees and is fighting the cancer. His liver seems to be coping well because he still has a healthy appetite. But I am prepared to give protease enzymes, hydrochloric acid drops and Vitamin B100 if his appetite begins to slide.

The Daily Protocol that my friend is using will change once he comes out of the Herx or cancer die-off reaction. I will be further increasing both the Lysine and Protease Enzyme doses, which is necessary to particularly defeat the bone cancer.

If anyone wants to know more about this daily protocol schedule, I'll be glad to answer any questions on this ongoing remedy on EC, since this is all about passing on knowledge after all. I have also decided to keeping a daily journal of all symptoms, events, changes and remedies used and will eventually be putting this up on my Google Docs Shared Items. I will also update here on my friend's cancer status regularly.

Be well.

Hi EC . . Might be an idea to cross-post this onto both the Lymphoma Cancer and Bone Cancer sections of your site. Many thanks.

REPLY   1      

Replied by Malte (Usa) on 08/03/2011

You also might try amygdalin/Laetrile (ground up apricot seeds which can be purchased on the Internet). How or if this works I am not sure but it is not toxic and won't hurt to try.

Replied by Wydo (Ca) on 07/09/2015

Hi Ted and Bill,

I would like to know how to use the tannic acid. How much do you use and how often Do you put it in water


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