Lithium and Gout

Question by John on 09/29/2007

Ted, My apologies - in my initial reply I meant to ask you about litium carbonate or lithium citrate. Are these products readily available at drug or health stores Should I be at all concerned over upsetting the "chemical balance" in my brain by taking litium to treat my gout Has it become a daily dietary regimen for you Any health concerns or risks Thanks again.

Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)

Lithium is a essential mineral. At very low dose which is actually 1/10 or 1/20 of a dose used by drug stores, it has little effect. The ones sold in drug stores are way too much and too dangerous, which is about 250 mg. of lithium carbonate.

Smaller versions of 5-20 mg of lithium citrate,lithium orotate, lithium carbonate are available in the internet. Different countries have different restrictions on prescription or not.

A low dose of 5 mg should should have some side effects as ,signs of reverse aging process. Apparently the lithium helps neural growth after a month's dose, in other words, brain cells don't die they simply might have more of it instead. Most people after age 20s will have millions of brain cells die, apparently lithium stops that. That's the only side effect on a very low dose, at higher dose, it may cause frequent urination, and higher metabolic rate.

The key to prevent side effect is just to dissolve the tiny 5 mg lithium in a glass of water then take it. Hence, once
concentration are diluted, its negative effects are reduced.

The other negative side effects of lithium, is that it is taken before sleep because it causes drowsiness. Hence lithium can't be taken during the day time.

Still coffee, and other uric acid rich foods should be avoided and getting urinary pH of 7, should usually help, and lithium is just a last choice in case the gout problem is still too painful. Some support of the liver (to detoxify uric acid better) may help with one tablespoon of lecithin a day or even twice a day, mixed with food or taken alone.


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