Mesothelioma > Ted's Remedies for Mesothelioma > Lung Disease Caused by Asbestos with Hydrogen Peroxide
Lung Disease Caused by Asbestos with Hydrogen PeroxideQuestion by Alexson (Brisbna, QLD)
Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand)
Basically the asbestos is a form of tiny magnesium silicate fibers where it is practically insoluble to anything. The body attempts to rid of it by the irritation produced by the asbestos and attempts to dissolve it by producing an acid.
Therefore the treatment of asbestos lung problem requires a bicarbonate humidifier or taking baking soda 1/4 teaspoon at least in 1/2 glass of water taken 3 times a day.
Apple cider vinegar with baking soda is better, when taken with 2 tablespoon of ACV plus 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, then add 1/2 glass of water. The body will reduce some acidity, thus preventing further lung damages, alkalinity increases, thus increasing the body's available oxygen. Of course taking some vitamin E will help further reduce the breathing difficulty as it reduces the body need for oxygen.
The other that may help reduce the asbestos by expelling easier is to make the mucus in the lung more liquid which might help rid of the asbestos buildup.
This require N-Acetyl Cysteine 500 mg/day taken for about for several weeks. I do have some reports of CoQ10 or Ubequenone, but they had to be taken in fairly large amounts to improve the lung condition, often in the amount ten or twenty times the recommended dose. This is what is reported and I am merely giving you some information passed on.
There is some reports that taking colloidal silver will help clear the lungs, and might be quite helpful in removal of asbestos. This information should not be ignored. Dr. Robert Becker, in his books, The Body Electric mentioned that colloidal silver present in the body increases the body's dedifferentiated cells, which means stem cells. If that is possible, the lungs can be able to theoretically regenerate itself and expell old mucus and tissues thus ridding of the asbestos. I do have remember people with lung problems had a clearer lungs upon taking colloidal silver 2-3 times a day on 1 tablespoon per dose at about 5 ppm on the average. This was then followed by SEVERAL days of mucus clearing and old contaminants.
Replied by Daniel (Brisbane, Australia) on 01/23/2013
Also for people with cancer you might want to look at natural arsenic in apple seed, vitamin B17 found in apricot seeds.
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