Keloids on My Face!

Question by KB (Anon) on 05/29/2013

My keloids are on my jaws. Please help me, Ted! I pray to God that you'd be able to read this and have time to reply and give me any advice.

My keloids started growing last year, maybe during the first quarter after suffering from severe acne when I underwent treatment from a popular Belo Medical Group here in the Philippines. The simple pimples I was complaining about with my Mom were all aggravated and worsened. My parents' spent a lot of money for helping me heal again. My face was literally full of puss and pimples. Now, my face has pitied scars especially keloids on my jaws.

Please help me, Ted. What should I do I refuse to take any invasive treatment. I switched to another derma and she suggested to me to try steroid injections. I think I did it for 4 months but no significant change ever happened so I decided to stop hurting my parents and myself in terms of financial, psychological and emotional stress.

I'm now doing oil pulling using Virgin Coconut Oil, detox bath (Green Tea, rock salt, sometimes with lemon), yoga for beginners, including fruits in my daily food intake, started eating vegetables, occasional reflexology massage for my feet and hands, drinking 2oz of lemon on empty stomach every day (but not regular this week). I just started this May.

Please help me, Ted. I sincerely regret looking for a problem in my life that never existed before. I'm so sorry for doubting myself. But now, I'm thankful that I've become much closer to God, and I've come to appreciate my beauty and how beautiful and meaningful life is.

God bless you, Ted!


Replied by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 06/01/2013

For keloids, by far the best natural treatment is aloe vera oil, MSM, vitamin E, and vitamin K. These are both applied topically as well as taken internally. The frequent cause of keloids is constipation, and obviously the treatment here is the alkalizing remedy, that is in my book or on the earthclinic website. Lemon is often the best, but it works better if baking soda is taken after meals as many times as possible. You have to get the constipation resolved otherwise the toxins cannot get removed. It's caused by constipation and the resultant buildup of toxins. The capillaries are leaky and as a result, it becomes "keloids". The capillary damage is due to lack of repairs as a result of deficiencies in the mechanisms that repair the capillaries. The best supplement to prevent this is vitamin K, vitamin C, lysine, and most of all is copper chlorophyll. If body odor is present, you need copper chlorophyll. If you are vitamin K deficient, then you menstruate more as a woman, or you bleed easily if you are male, so that is needed more. The vitamin K phylloquinone repairs circulatory damage. And to get your immune system up, vitamin C has to be consumed with brewer's yeast. If in tablet form then drink vitamin C, and chew the brewer's yeast and drink water.



Replied by Succesfull Keloid Destroyer (Vienna) on 06/05/2016

Dear Ted,

First of all I would like to thank you very much for opening this forum.

I would like to know if you are using the MSM topically or internally. Additionally, what do you think is the best method to shrink the keloid. Fortunately, mine is not high (about 1-2mm from the skin) and the surface is 2,5 cm x 1 cm but it is on the face. However, I am very selfconfident so it do not harm me that much as maybe others. Nonetheless, my wish would be to shrink the extend and reduce the redness. If you have any suggestions based on your knowledge for me I would be really glad to hear from you.

Thank you in advance!

EC: Dear SKD,

Sadly, Ted had a stroke last year and is unable to correspond. However, we just received a post from a reader about lugol's iodine used with a dermaroller that you might want to read. It's on this page under the Table of Contents title Iodine.


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